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Total expenditures escalated 7% to $511.9 million, with salaries and benefits increasing by $20.5 million.
Contributions by the University for the calendar year 2007 were $9,630,000 (2006: $8,853,000).
The latest actuarial valuation for this group as at December 31, 2006 shows an actuarial liability of $25,123,000 against the actuarial value of assets of $29,209,000 resulting in a surplus of $4,086,000.
I The latest actuarial valuation as at December 31, 2004 showed an actuarial liability of $146,772,000 against market value assets of $148,825,000, resulting in a surplus of $2,048,000.
Since its inception, the Trust has distributed $19,800,000 (2007: $19,800,000) to the University and $...
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