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Teaching Assistant For CHEM 424 whenever offered (1 per year, $3,000) Teaching Assistants For CHEM 420 and CHEM 423 (1 per year, $6,000 each) 2.
Equipment For CHEM 424 Laboratory $10,000/year.
S 20 - 19 - 0à S 3.
Laboratory Supplies $3,000/year .
Travel Expenses $1,500/year TOTAL $485500 Duties of Proposed Appointee in Analytical Biochemistry Involving CHEM 397, 398, 399 1.
To promote good public relations with hospital laboratories and such other institutions as may be involved in the training of ... p,-.r s end tir func:t'.n (rotating shaft, brushes, horizontal and r- nle heads, tl shields or buckets, trunnions, and cvs)dor.$) b dero!ist:ete c:'-rLct c'ce're of cratior.
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