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Nrihern Territory, Darwin, D art.,lKnt of Northern Aij;t:ra1 ia, l')1.
Cq)PES , I'.
, 'Fin' _Deyej?j!isntni til I"ishijtndustry in I'ri n Edward Island, Charlottetown, Department of Development, 167.3.
on Rural I veiopinont , COPES, P., Fidieri es_Devon jnNewfound] J, Ott iwa, Dep.irtm(nt of Regional Economic Exjuiis ion, 1971 CRUTCIIFIELD, J.A., and G.
Pontecorvo, The Pacific Salmon Fisheries, A Study of Irrational Coll sorvat:ion, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, I969.
CRUTCIIF'iELD,.1 . A • , and A. '/.ci Itiet , EconomicAsIet:ts of the Paci tic halibut Fishery, Fishery 1 tidust ri al Fte:;earrh I, Wi;h i ntn , TI. S. Department. of tin' Int_eri o , I )62 MORSE, N.H., •irui A...
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