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/4 NgE_c1llTT:l.: ON Iltil) (C'I1%.DUATF STUDIFS Nr4 COUXS.J2.!OSiL FORM iL!!1!.'.111f t!X!!W!.L,2!l Department: _ Geography .
.tt.I'rivl,st ton Cude:_COCOur.w Nismbci- :312 -- Credit .Hours: _3_ Vector.
r%TIJDI.FS NF'4 COURSE I'RO?OSAL FORM Ca 14-1141.11 - Iifnu.iI:ion Department: GEOGRAPHY t.hri'vt t on Code: GEOG.
Cour.;c Number 353 Credit Hours: 3_ Vector.
The final grade for the course will be determined from the laboratory assignments, a mid-term test and a final examination as follows: Laboratory exercises 50% Mid- term test 20% Final examination 30% The final examination must be passed' or a subsequent oral examination must be taken...
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