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Handle: Document-360558
Owner: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 11:14:48 PM PDT
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 11:14:57 PM PDT
Modified By: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
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  • S,92-47 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Office of the Vice-President, Academic MEMORANDUM .
  • To: Senate From: J.
  • M.
  • Munro Chair, Senate Committee on Academic Planning Subject: Department of English - Date June 11, 1992 New course - ENGL 999 Action undertaken by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee and the Senate Committee on Academic Planning (SCAP 92 - 24) gives rise to the following motion: Motion: "That Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of Governors, as set forth in S.
  • 92-47, the proposed New course ENGL 999 - M.A.
  • Field Exam Deletion of ENGL 998 - M.A. Extended Essays" Y ,... C) Library resources Approved: Departmental Graduate Studies Committee: _flate: h//i Faculty Graduate...
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