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Enrollments in these programs accounted for 17.47% of the total undergraduate annualized FTE for the University in 1997-98.
Table 1 97-2 97-3 98-1 Total Total % of #Crs Enrol.
Of these, 192(12.77%) were enrolled through OLA; 1287 (85.63%) completed their courses; 511(34%) were male and 992(66%) were female.
Business Administration-49 enrollees (4.30 PiEs): Of these, there were no students enrolled through OLA; 43 (87.75%) completed the course; 17 (34.69%) were male and 32(65.31%) were female.
Totals-12,076 enrollees (132& 7 PiEs): Of these, 1,042 were enrolled through OLA, 10,765 (89.14%) completed their courses; 3801 (31.48%) were male and 8275 (68.52%) were female.
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