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Academic Calendar of Events Dates 2009-3 to 2012-2; Academic Calendar of Events Dates 2009-3 to 2012-2; Academic Calendar of Events Dates 2009-3 to 2012-2
S.08.-70 0 STUDENT SERVICES Senate and Academic Services ATTENTION: Senate TEL 2-5350 STREET ADDRESS FROM Jo Hirtchliffe, Assistant Registrar, Secretary Calendar Committee 3000 MAGGIE BENSTON BUILDING I BURNABY CAMPUS "J0 RE Calendar Dates 2009-2012 MAILING ADDRESS 8888 UNIVERSITY DRIVE DATE April 29, 2008 BURNABY, B.C.
VSA isó 778-782-5350 At its meeting of 28 April, 2008 the Calendar committee reviewed, for approval 778-782-5732(fx) by Senate, the schedule of dates for future semesters commencing Fall...
SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY THINKING OF THE WORLD S 1-4 m & cc! I 44 3 1 <LO Lj 8 c $c!Jfl1 u3 u3 r.l c U) —J E co < to 4a - n Iij U) - qu - cXx 0, xx JOe LLJ o .0 L LZJ L0 E U) - r '.
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