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e) Due to projected over-enrollment in Businsess in 2007/08, enrollment plan for Bus in 2008/09 was revised from 1,829 to 2042 FIB's (this is the projected 2007/08 PIE enrollment for BUS and is equivalent to 11.6% of UG PIE funding for 2008/09).
The future plan for Business is to maintain their enrollment share at 11.6% of funded domestic Fit's.
f) Other minor adjustments, in proportion to each Faculty's planned % share of the university enrollment was revised slightly to accommodate new information regarding undergraduate FIB funding from 2009/10 to 2014/15.
14-Nov-2007 Uodatse: g) Due to miscommunication on graduate funding for 2007/08, graduate funding amount revised to 1,768 from ...
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