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New Centre: First Nations Language Centre as a Research Centre
New Centre: First Nations Language Centre as a Research Centre based in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Handle: Document-393907
Owner: Gair, Shelley (User-146, mlg7:ADSFU)DS
Monday, October 25, 2010 01:42:20 PM PDT
Monday, October 25, 2010 01:42:20 PM PDT
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  • O I'FICE 0 1' T ilE V ICE-I'HI':SID I':NT , ,.\ CI\DEilIIC AND I'HOVOST 8888 U ni\'c r~ily D ri ve, HUrI1abr , Be Canada \'5:\ I S6 MEMORANDUM ATIENTION FROM Senate Jon Driver, Vicc-President, Academ ic and Provost, and Chair, SC UP "1"1:;:1,: 778.782.3925 FAX: 778.782.5876 DATE PAGES July 14,2010 1/ 1 S.10-103 "pacad@:: fu .ca \\'w\\'.
  • Dr.
  • Lesley Cormack, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dr.
  • Tom Perry, Chair, Department of Linguistics SIMI):-J FR:\Sf:U UNIVEHSITY THINKiNG OF THE WORLD Prof.
  • Thomas A.
  • Perry, Chair I ) I I' \ :: "/", i ; " i • II I.;' ,: .. ;. I: I 1':I('Iilll. $15,000 • Tsilhqot'in Practical Grammar (S. Russell, Ed Cook and Mariah Myers) - supported by the ...
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