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increase in the head count in 78-3 (8648) over that in 77-3 (8027), and a 5/5% increase in the FTE count in 78-3 (6490) over that in 77-3 (6150) for undergraduate students.
Lt has been recommended, and accepted by the Board of Governors, that the base budget for the University as a whole be reduced by 12, or $500,000, Iiicluding $180,000 from the instructional salary accounts, by April 1, 1979.
Stpleinb(-r 30, 1978.
No nominations were received.
In response to an.
T. Dobb provided information in connection with a $50,000 I)ast budget cut which had been effected mid year and outlined serv i (05 upon which surcharges are applied to users.
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