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To: Senate From: Registrar 26 February, 1968 / This will confirm our telephone call today that >rs.S.
Yaidle, Drt.
Sullivan, Professor M.A.
Lcbowitz, Dr.
K. R. Burstein, Dean J.W. Matthe;'s and Mr. S. Wong have in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of Senate requested a special meeting of Senate, to be held before 1st Narch. inc meeting is therefore called for 7 p.m. on Thursday 29 February , 1968, in the Board and Senate Room at the University. .. -., . V •••• CL!' D.-A. Meyers V V V Acting Regis trar V V V . V V V Secretary of Senate DAM/red is:1. 2. 3.
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