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Papa: S-132 SPA ct 3 19/0 I JOINT SENATE-P.\RD WORKING RELATIONS COMMIIEE REPORT The Joint ScnaeBoard Working Relations Committee met twice: on Monday, March 11th and again on Monday, April 15th..
Eyre was unable to attend either meeting, and Mr.
Lester the first but not the sccond.
All other members were in attendance at the two meetings.
The P ' ident also attcnzed, convening both meetings and providing a sum!nary of the first for the benefit of Committee members. The Committee the scnnd meeting Mr. for the Senate, end Mr. elected no Chairman or Secretary. ci M. Bawtree - Bnpporteiir R.E. Lester A.F.C. 1-lean A. M. Eyre R. J. Baker B, L. Funt April 22, 1968.
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