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That "General Education" was a term that was already badly tarnished and that some major refocus was necrsary if we were to save the kernel of the idea." 4 .
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Di : E:( c.irh tc YS' 42j-5 33a:n v --5 Cor I cprnt. L 3, We ate iot i fvotr of cur COUr5C offeriaos bcing we: the dthitrtion of the Accdemic Vice-Prcideut now, £c: ieier he wLll be pp)itd W e zuc strongly in favour Of retaining the present dnLrLtretive et-p tmii such time as weare corvied that a Lttcr cae oferd. to coorcte J.r keepi th' ctd 1Tice Prec"t fully £orc o cttr o r-ftiriaao endpci:.:L:,; of It • ••i••• - ...
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