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Handle: Document-366739
Owner: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:27:28 AM PDT
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:27:51 AM PDT
Modified By: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Locked By:
  • The essential first three phases will probably have the following budgetary implications: 1969-70 - number of new faculty - 3; annual rate of salary - $ 45,000; actual salary commitment - $30,000; operating expense - $ 45,000.
  • 1970-71 - number of new faculty - 2; annual rate of expenditure - $70,000; actual expenditure - $60,000; operating expense - $90,000.
  • 1971-72 - number of new faculty - 3; annual rate of expenditure - $110,000; actual expenditure - $90,000; operating expense - $135,000.
  • I9b41 I (.iliiilU:; cut I)III' of i Iic ('I 157 P - 1..S C*bI S tO J',lO'O: U u.(i ,o.IA(llA1( 1J Pt?4 I t I0O 1 S 1 .1 lno.:,y I 106 ) NOT M2h 1 I I SI: • 4S3 ,YEfr SIS • ( I t I I '.
  • I I I I I I I \...
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