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b) Elements in school systems - inputs, processes, outputs, and the context of the school 2.
Contemporary examples a) Project BUILD - Vancouver School System b) B.C.
Assessment Program 3.
Evaluation in a societal context a) Accountability: Who and what to whom? L L L.
ul 1r1 •tyvw • FLb2I178 • MAIL DESK MB/mh 0 S1NION FRASER UNIVERSITY MEMORANDUM çlo Marilyn Bowman .....................Chairafl ...Dept .ol Psychology From Stan Kanehara Administrative Assistant to the Dean Faculty of Education Date..
ic) Kr SK:ma cc: J.W. George Ivany, Dean" M. Wideen, Director, Undergraduate Programs EVE 9 F E B -21978 Li DEAN'S OFFICE FACULTY Of ED
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