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Vector: 2-2-0 Ut I of Couce Twentieth Century Euronean Philosophy Cnieitdx Description of Course: A study of the development of philosophical movements such as Phenomenology, Existentialism, Hermeneutics, Structuralism and Kulturphilosophie.
Case sti.iij of the "Classical period" (17th and 10th CeriLuri*) XI.
"Man and his Doubles": THE ORDER OF THINGS, chapter 9 A.
Nietzsche's attack.
Criticisms from Ar,alstic Philooph'j XII, ORDER OF THINGS, chapter 10: The H'.'mar.
Scien.cet A. Pschoarialsis and Freud B. Linguistics as the "interior" of larsci'ia'e, as the "represenitation of mar.". Contrast; with'jtjc Philosoph 1. O'.in.e, Davidson, Sellars 2. Realism and Idealism Co the Historj ...
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