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306-3 Psychological Assessment Procedures 320-3 Cognitive.Processes 3407 3 Psychopathology 351-3 Child Psychology 355-3 Psychology of Adolescence and .Youth 360-3 Social Psychology 370-3 Theories of Personality 371-3 Methods of Therapeutic Interaction I 372-3 Methods of Therapeutic Interaction II 440-5 Motivation 460-5 Social Psychology 470-5 Personality CRIM 210 CRIM 210-3 Juvenile Delinquency An analysis of juvenile delinquency as a separate entity in the criminal justice system.
CHN3E TITLE W: CRIM 210-3 Law, Youth and Young Offenders CWtNE DESCRIPTION 'JO: An analysis of the definition and control of youthful misconduct in an historical and contemporary context.
CRThI 302-3 CRIM 302-3...
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