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:E %' , !%-r, H:rden, We feel tftt such a ;rogr;.m, which would em-hasize either () speaking, or (2) reading and translation, wrnild provide a serice to students in other disciplines who mi;it hene 'it in their work fron having some knowledge of Russian.
We have seen tuition fees rise oy approximately 117% over the past five years.
During the same period, full-time equivalent student enrollment has increased by 20.9% while the constant dollars per 1u11-time equivalent student in the provincial operating grant has decreased a devastating 29.8%.
Yours sincerely, William G.
Saywell President cc: Dr.
Dr. Dr. Ms. Mr. J.W.G. Ivany, V.P. Academic R.C. Brown Dean Qf Arts N.J. Lincoln, Chairman, ...
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