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Handle: Document-361046
Owner: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 06:24:42 PM PDT
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 06:25:02 PM PDT
Modified By: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
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  • This increases'the required bandwidth by only 12.5%, while correcting any single error in the sequence of 8 bits".
  • b.
  • Write a short BASIC program using ON...GOTO to calculate and print the Federal and Provincial Income Tax using the following table, given the net income as input: TAXABLE INCOME FEDERAL TAX $27,500 or less $27,500 to, $55, $55,000 or more Total Tax where 17% )00 $4,675 + 26% on remainder $11,825 + 29% on remainder Federal Tax + Surtax + Provincial Tax Surtax = 3% * Federal Tax Provincial Tax = 51.5% * Federal Tax c.
  • Write a short BASIC program to perform the task described in (b) WITHOUT using the ...
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