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Economics Major Program revised; Economics Honors Program revised; Economics Minor Program revised; Economics course changes (UG); English course changes (UG); First Nations Studies course changes (UG); Italian course changes (UG); Geography course changes (UG); History TW course changes (UG); History course changes (UG); Humanities course changes (UG); Greek course changes (UG); Linguistics course changes (UG); Cognitive Science Major Program revised; Political Science course changes (UG); Psychology course changes (UG); Psychology Major Program revised; Psychology Honors Program revised; Sociology and Anthropology course changes (UG)
Handle: Document-358310
Owner: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Saturday, July 3, 2010 10:10:36 PM PDT
Monday, August 23, 2010 10:13:38 AM PDT
Modified By: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Locked By:
  • Change of prerequisite HIST 309, 355, 453 g) Humanities i.
  • New courses: HUM 103 - The Invention of the Book: Alphabets, Papyrus, Parchment, and Print HUM 301 - Ancient Studies ii.
  • Change of prerequisite for HUM 151, 152, 161, 162, 227, 240, 320, 321, 327,330 h) Linguistics i.
  • New course: GRK 104 - Modern Greek for Reading Comprehension I ii.
  • Addition of PSYC 268 to its list of Group B lower division requirement V.
  • New course: PSYC 368 - Contemporary issues in Psychology and Law k) Sociology & Anthropolocv i. New courses: SA 302 - Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism SA 337 - Sexuality & Society SA 418 - International Health: Global Policies and Local Realities SA 429 - Sex, Work ...
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