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Admission Requirements revised (UG)
Handle: Document-357812
Owner: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
Saturday, July 3, 2010 05:06:30 PM PDT
Monday, August 23, 2010 10:24:24 AM PDT
Modified By: Lougheed, Pat (User-147, patl:ADSFU)DS
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  • SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY S.07-74 MEMORANDUM Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies Subject: Changes to Admission Requirements for High School Applicants to Faculty of Applied Sciences (SCUS References: SCUS 07-22a) Date: 18 April 2007 Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at a meeting held April 3, 2007 gives rise to the following recommendations: Motion: "that Senate approve program specific admission requirements for the Faculty of Applied Science as follows: Computing ...
  • the science list with 60% minimum; one science course, two additional courses; if both of these two are from List 3, they must be from different groups TechOne Grade 12: One course from ...
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