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I SFU w UNIVERSITY SECRETARIAT S.08-74 r MEMO TO Senate I FROM Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat, Secretary of SCAR RE Senate time and Senate dinner DATE 30 Aerit.
2008 Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby BC VA iS6 Canada tel 778.782.3495 fax 778.782.4860 The Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules (SCAR) had a discussion at its meeting this week concerning the budget situation of the University and .
potential cost reduction measures.
((SCu49d1MOTION: "that Senate approve that Senate dinners be eliminated and that the normal meeting time for Senate be changed from 7:00 pm to 4:30 pm, effective July 2008" SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY THINKING OF THE WORLD
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