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December 14, 1987; S.87-29 - S.87-79
November 2, 1987; S.87-22 - S.87-28
October 5, 1987; S.87-21
September 14, 1987; S.87-14 - S.87-20
August 10, 1987 (Cancelled)
July 6, 1987 (Cancelled)
June 1, 1987 (Cancelled)
May 11, 1987; S.87-9 - S.87-13
April 6, 1987; S.87-6 - S.87-8
March 2, 1987; S.87-2 - S.87-5
February 2, 1987; S.87-1
January 5, 1987 (Cancelled)