1. S.13-12x4a SGSC
    2. S.13-12x4b SGSC

Office of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Fellows
Maggie Benston Student Services
Centre 1100
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
Canada \'5A 1S6
Dean of Graduate
Faculty of Education
Tl •1.778.782.3042
FAX 778.782.3080
12 September 2013
For information:
Acting under delegated authority at its meeting of 9 September 2013. SGSC approved the following
curriculum revision:
Effective Spring 2014
Faculty of Education
Minor course changes:
Title and description change for:
EDUC 931-4 Doctoral Seminar 1in Educational Technology and Learning Design
EDUC 932-4 Doctoral Seminar II in Educational Technology and Learning Design
Minor course change to pre-requisites: EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Minor editorial calendar changes to doctoral programs:
Arts Education
Curriculum Theory and Implementation
EdD (Doctor of Education)
Educational Psychology
Technology and Learning Design
Languages, Cultures
and Literacies
Mathematics Education

Graduate Programs
8888 University Drive
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6
T: 778.782.3297
F: 778.782.4320
faculty of education
FROM: Robin Brayne, Director
RE: EDUC 931-4 AND 932-4 Minor Course Changes
DATE: 2013 July 05
JUL 092013
For consideration, please find attached proposed title and description changes for
EDUC 931-4 and EDUC 932-4.
These changes were approved by the Education Graduate Studies Committee
May 30, 2013, and the Faculty of Education Council on June 24, 2013.
We are requesting these changes take effect
Summer 2014.
c: John Nesbit. Associate Dean
Graduate Studies. Education

JUL 0 9 20
Graduate Course Minor Change Form
This form is for an SFU department or program to request a minor change to an existing graduate course. After approval
and signature by the faculty graduate studies committee, this form should be forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies
for approval by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC). SGSC will forward the approval to Senate for information.
Department / School / Program
Contact name
Faculty of Education
Dr. Robin Brayne
Contact email
Please revise the following elements of the indicated graduate course:
• Catalogue number
• Units
H Title
H Description
• Other:
Please complete only the fields to be changed.
Program (eg. LBST)
Number (eg. 810]
Course title (max 80 characters)
Units (eg. 4)
Doctoral Seminar in Educational Technology and Learning Design
Short title [appears on transcripts, max 25 characters)
Doc Seminar in ETLD I
Course description for SFU Calendar • see attached
An advanced class engaging candidates in
research toward social and organizational
and designs. Projects are determined
student study plans and faculty
Available course components • Lecture
• Seminar
• Laboratory • Practicum
• Online
Practicum work done in this class will involve children or
vulnerable adults (If the "Yes" box is checked, all students and
instructors will require criminal record checks)
• Yes • No
Grading basis
D Graded
• Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
• In Progress
Prerequisites (ifany)
This is combined with an undergrad course.
• Yes D No
Course number and units:
Additional course requirements for graduate students
Please complete only the fields to be changed.
Program [eg. LBST)
Number (eg. 810)
Units (eg. 4)
Course title (max 80 characters)
Doctoral Seminar I in Educational Technology and Learning Design
Short title (appears on transcripts, max 25 characters)
Doc. Seminar I in ETLD
Course description for SFU Calendar • see attached
A doctoral-level survey of major scholars, theories and
technological contributions shaping the field of
educational technology
and learning design. This offering
focuses on understanding
and differentiating several
traditions of research development that have shaped and
continue to shape the field.
Available course components • Lecture
• Seminar
• Laboratory • Practicum
• Online
Practicum work done in this class will involve children or
vulnerable adults (If the "Yes" box is checked, all students and
instructors will require criminal record checks)
D Yes
Grading basis
• Graded
• Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
• In Progress / Complete
Prerequisites (if any)
This is combined with an
undergrad course.
• Yes D No
Course number and units:
Additional course requirements for graduate students
Robin Brayne
Senate graduate studies committee name
SEP '.

Graduate Course Minor Change Form
This form is for an SFU department or program to request a minorchange to an existing graduate course. Afterapproval
and signature by the faculty graduate studies committee, this form should be forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies
for approval by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC). SGSC will forward the approval to Senate for information.
Department / School / Program
Contact name
Faculty of Education
Dr. Robin Brayne
Contact email
Please revise the following elements of the indicated graduate course:
• Catalogue number
• Units
H Title
S Description
• Other:
Please complete only the fields to be changed.
Program (eg. LBST)
Number (eg. 810)
Course title (max 80 characters)
Units (eg. 4]
Doctoral Seminar in Educational Technology and Learning Design
Short title (appears on transcripts, max 25 characters)
Doc. Seminar in ETLD II
Course description for SFU Calendar • see attached
Examines a new paradigm for designing learning environments
that integrates research on the experience of learning complex
material with the rigor of systematic design processes.
Students will design and carry out a learner-centred study and
will be expected to contribute to the development of this new
design paradigm in
class discussions and in reflective writing.
Available course components • Lecture
• Seminar
• Laboratory
• Practicum
• Online
Practicum work done in this class will involve children or
vulnerable adults (If the "Yes" box is checked, all students and
instructors will require criminal record checks)
• Yes
• No
Grading basis
• Graded
• Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
• In Progress /Complete •
Prerequisites (ifany)
This is combined with an undergrad course.
• Yes D No
Course number and units:
Additionalcourse requirements for graduate students
Robin Brayne
Please complete only the fields
be changed.
Program [eg. LBST)
Number (eg. 810)
Units (eg.
Course title (max 80 characters)
Doctoral Seminar II in Educational Technology and Learning Design
Short title (appears on transcripts, max 25 characters)
Doc. Seminar II in ETLD
Course description for SFU Calendar • see attached
A doctoral-level survey of major scholars, theories and
technological contributions shaping the field of
educational technology
and learning design. This offering
focuses on the
interdependence of perspectives on
knowing, learning, teaching and design, and the use of
technology to support these processes.
Available course components
• Lecture • Seminar
• Laboratory • Practicum
• Online
Practicum work done in this class will involve children or
vulnerable adults (If the "Yes" box is checked, all students and
instructors will require criminal record checks)
D Yes
Grading basis
• Graded
• Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
• In Progress/ Complete •.
Prerequisites (if any)
This is combined with an undergrad course.
• Yes D No
Course number and units:
Additional course requirements for graduate students
Q «~S
V\gjggTOfgffgy^e Ttjx^Saw
Senate graduate studies committee name

Graduate Programs
University Drive
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6
T: 778.782.3297
F: 778.782.4320
faculty of education
FROM: Robin Brayne. Director
-I;:;: >»;•,.,
RE: EDUC 899-10 Minor Course change and Doctoral Program changes
DATE: 2013 Julv 8
For consideration, please find attached a minor course change for EDUC 899-10.
Doctoral Thesis, and resultant calendar changes to doctoral programs. The Education
Graduate Studies Committee on May 30, 2013, and the Faculty of Education Council
approved these changes on June 24, 2013.
Rationale for proposed EDUC 899-10 minor course change:
Education doctoral programs are research programs, and students are admitted based
upon research interests and deemed match with faculty expertise. Students should be
expected to begin their research upon admission to a program and continue
throughout. Enrolment in EDUC 899-10 enables and encourages students to develop a
draft research work plan early in their program and enables supervisors to establish
productivity expectations, feedback and guidance earlier, hence increasing the
likelihood of timely completion of all program requirements.
We are requesting these changes take effect Summer 2014.
a) Minor Course Change
i) EDUC 899-10. Doctoral Thesis - remove prerequisite
b) Resultant calendar changes to doctoral programs:
Arts Education (Doctor of Philosophy) program - text changes to Admission
Requirements, Comprehensive Examination and Thesis paragraphs
ii) Curriculum, Theory and Implementation (Doctor of Philosophy) program -
text changes to Admission Requirements. Comprehensive Examination and

faculty of education
Thesis paragraphs
iii) EdD (Doctor
of Education) program - text changes to Admission
Requirements, Comprehensive Examination and Thesis paragraphs
iv) Educational Psychology (Doctor of Philosophy) program - text changes to
Admission Requirements, Comprehensive Examination and Thesis
v) Educational Technology and Learning Design (Doctor of Philosophy)
program - text changes to Admission Requirements, Comprehensive
Examination and Thesis paragraphs (Note: documentation does not include
proposed minor course changes to EDUC 931 and EDUC 932 submitted to
SGSC in July 2013.)
vi) Languages, Cultures and Literacies (Doctor
of Philosophy) program - text
changes to Admission Requirements, Comprehensive Examination and
Thesis paragraphs
vii) Mathematics Education (Doctor of Philosophy) program - text changes to
Admission Requirements. Comprehensive Examination and Thesis
c. John Nesbit. Associate Dean
Graduate Studies, Education
engaging the WORLD

io i
JUL 0.9 20)3
Graduate Course Minor Change Form
This form is for an SFU department or program to request a minor change to an existiha^grSd^^^ojife'eEATtierapproval
and signature by the faculty graduate studies committee, this form should be forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies
for approval by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC). SGSC will forward the approval to Senate for information.
Department / School/ Program
Contact name
Dr. Robin Brayne
Contact email
Please revise the following elements of the indicated graduate course:
• Catalogue number
• Units
• Title
• Description
HOthPr- prerequisite
Please complete only the
to be changed.
Program (eg. LBST)
Number (eg. 810)
Course title (max 80 characters)
Doctoral Thesis
Units (eg. 4)
Short title [appears on transcripts, max 25 characters)
Course description for SFU Calendar • see attached
Available course components
• Lecture
• Seminar
• Laboratory
• Practicum
• Online
Practicum work done in this class will involve children or
vulnerable adults (If the "Yes" box is checked, all students and
instructors wilt require criminal record checks)
• Yes • No
Grading basis
D Graded
• Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
• In Progress / Complete
Prerequisites (ifany)
EDUC 983
This is combined with an undergrad course.
• Yes
D No
Course number and units: ^_^
Additional course requirements for graduate students
Please complete only the fields to be changed.
Program (eg. LBST)
Number (eg. 810)
Units (eg. 4)
Course title (max 80 characters)
Short title (appears on transcripts, max 25 characters)
Course description for SFU Calendar • see attached
Available course components
• Lecture • Seminar
• Laboratory
• Practicum
• Online
Practicum work done in this class will involve children or
vulnerable adults (Ifthe "Yes" box is checked, all students and
instructors will require criminal record checks)
• Yes
D No
Grading basis
• Graded
• Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
In Progress / Complete
Prerequisites (ifany)
This is combined with an undergrad course.
• Yes D No
Course number and units:.
Additional course requirements for graduate students
^^^ Robin Brayne
Dat£EP 18 ZU13
Senate graduate studies committee name

-:-\\v. •
Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Proposed Changes:
Arts Education (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Simon Fraser University Calendar 20 J3 Summer
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specializationand
advanced competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program is for those interested in
becoming scholars and leaders in art
This program requires successful completion of a minimum of 20 units of course work and culminates in a
comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants
who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is
Graduate education Admission is granted to a specificdegree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated
application information is
and application deadlines are
available beginning November 15 from the Faculty of
Education. Completed applications must bo rccoivod by January 15.
Program Requirements
Students complete one of
EDUC 901-5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary Educational Theory
and all of
EDUC 943-5 Arts-based Inquiry in Educational Research
EDUC 944-5 Aesthetic Ways of Knowing and Education
EDUC 945-5 Doctoral Seminar in Arts Education
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
This course is a prerequisite to EDUC 899. Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in
which courserequirements are completed, or the term immediately following.
engaging the worlo

A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describingthis is submitted and defended.
beforethefourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the tenured or tenure track Faculty of Education member
whom thestudent proposes to be senior supervisor. Following the supervisor'sapproval and at least one otherfaculty
memberchosen in consultation with the senior supervisor,the supervisory committee is formed and the student
proceeds to thethesis by completing:
supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students
enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students mustsatisfy the academic requirements thatare specified in the graduate general regulations
(residence, course work, academic progress, supervision,research competence requirement, completion time, and
degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
Proposed Calendar Language:
Arts Education (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty of Education
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and
advanced competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program is for those interested in
becoming scholars and leaders in arts education.
This program requires successful completion of a minimum of 20 units of course work and culminates in a
comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants
who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application
information and application deadlines are available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
Students complete one of
EDUC 901-5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary EducationalTheory
engaging the world

and all of
EDUC 943-5 Arts-based Inquiry in Educational Research
EDUC 944-5 Aesthetic Ways of Knowing and Education
EDUC 945-5 Doctoral Seminar in Arts Education
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
• EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the
term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before
the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program,every
term, students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements thatare specified in the graduate general regulations
(residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement,completiontime, and
degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled,as shown above.
engaging the world

Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Proposed Changes:
Curriculum Theory & Implementation (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty of Education
Simon Fraser University Calendar 2013 Summer
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization
and advanced competence in conducting significant and original education research.
This program requires successful completion of a minimum of 20 units of course work and culminates in a
comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See grad.ujdte^enejjJj^gyjation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances,
applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional
achievement is demonstrated.
Graduate education Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization.
Updated application information is
and application deadlines are
available beginning November 15 from
the Faculty of Education. All applications are reviewed once a year. Completed applications must be
received by January 15.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC901-5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary Educational Theory
EDUC 911 -5 Colloquium in Curriculum Theory I
EDUC912-5 Colloquium in Curriculum Theory II
The supervisory committee may require further work in the Faculty of Education or other faculties. Students
are encouraged to complete additional courses from related departments outside the Faculty of Education.
Philosophy of Education Stream
This program stream focuses on three interconnecting themes of ecology, culture and consciousness, and
brings relevant philosophical traditions, theories, innovations, and methods to work with these themes.
Students complete all of
EDUC 901 -5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
engaging the world

EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary Educational Theory
EDUC 921-5 Seminar in Philosophy and Educational Theory
EDUC 922-5 Advanced Seminar in Epistemology and Education
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates alsocomplete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
• EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
course is a prerequisite to EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis. Normally, the comprehensive examination is
completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and
Normally, before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the tenured or tenure
track Faculty of Education member whom the student proposes to bo senior supervisor. Following tho
supervisor'sapproval and at least one other faculty member chosen in consultation with the senior
supervisor, the supervisory committee is formed and the student proceeds to the thesis by completing
supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
• EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general
regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement,
completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they
are enrolled, as shown above.
Proposed Calendar Language:
Curriculum Theory & Implementation (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty of Education
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization
and advanced competence in conducting significantand original education research.

This program requires successful completion of a minimum of 20 units of course work and culminates in a
comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances,
applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered ifsuperior scholarly or professional
achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application
information and application deadlines are available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC 901 -5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary Educational Theory
EDUC 911 -5 Colloquium in Curriculum Theory I
EDUC 912-5 Colloquium in Curriculum Theory II
The supervisory committee may require further work in the Faculty of Education or other faculties. Students
are encouraged to complete additional courses from related departments outside the Faculty of Education.
Philosophy of Education Stream
This program stream focuses on three interconnecting themes of ecology, culture and consciousness, and
brings relevant philosophical traditions, theories, innovations, and methods to work with these themes.
Students complete all of
EDUC 901-5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary Educational Theory
EDUC 921-5 Seminar in Philosophy and Educational Theory
EDUC 922-5 Advanced Seminar in Epistemology and Education
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are
completed, or the term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended.
Normally, before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon
entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
• EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general
regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement,
completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they
are enrolled, as shown above.

Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Proposed Changes:
EdD (Doctor of Education) Programs
Faculty of Education
Simon Fraser University Calendar 2013 Summer
The doctor of education (EdD) is a professional degree signifying the acquisition of advanced knowledge and expertise in education.
The EdD programs are designed for educators who work full time.
The degree culminates in a comprehensive examination (EDUC 983-5) and a doctoral thesis (EDUC 899-10).
This program requires successful completion of 40 units of graduate work consisting of 25 units divided among required and
designated courses, a comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
For further information contact Graduate Programs in the Faculty of Education at 778-782-8099 or educedd@sfu.ca.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulations 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered ifsuperior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information and
application deadlines are available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
Students complete both of
EDUC 950-5 Approaches to Educational Research
EDUC 964-5 Seminar in Educational Theory
and three five-unit graduate courses that will be designated by the specific EdD faculty team that is responsible for program focus,
design, teaching and senior supervision. These designated courses will vary depending on program focus.
Comprehensive Examination
Allcandidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
This course is a prerequisite to-EDUC-899 Doctoral Thesis. Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in
which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following.

A major partof this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended.
before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presentedto the tenuredor tenure track Faculty of Education memberwhom tho
studentproposes to be seniorsupervisor. Following the supervisor's approval and at loaet one othor faculty momber chocon in
consultation with tho senior supervisor, tho supervisory committee isformod and the student procoods to the thesis by comploting
supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Program in Educational Leadership
'TheEdD program in Leadership is offered in both English and in French (and depends from yearto yearwhich program is offered).
This EdD program looks beyond educational leadership and theapplication of generic management techniques. It prepares leaders
for situations wheretechnique is insufficient and prepares educational leaders to deal with currently pressing issues to to understand
deeper ethical, political, socio-cultural, technological, and educational matters.
Thedoctorate in educational leadership is designed to meet the needs offrancophone and francophile leaderscurrently working or
planning to work in education (schools, colleges, trainingcentres) or in other publicor para-public services such as healthcare,
work, communityservices, public/civil service, NGO, development agencies, cultural organizations etc.
Designated Courses
EDUC 960-5 Ethics, Law and Professional Leadership
EDUC 961-5 Educational Governance, Reform and Diversity
EDUC962-5 Organizational Leadership, Accountability and the Public Interest
For informationabout completing this program in the French language, see www.sfu.ca/educfr/en/doctoral-degree.
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified inthe graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completiontime, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
Proposed Calendar Language:
EdD (Doctor of Education) Programs
Faculty of Education
The doctor of education (EdD) is a professional degree signifying the acquisition of advanced knowledge and expertise in education.
The EdD programs are designed for educators who work full time.
The degreeculminates ina comprehensive examination (EDUC 983-5) and a doctoral thesis (EDUC 899-10).
engaging the WORLD

This program requires successful completion of 40 units of graduate work consisting of 25 units divided among required and
courses, a comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
For further information contact Graduate Programs in the Faculty of Education at 778-782-8099 or educedd@sfu.ca.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulations 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information and
application deadlines are available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
Students complete both of
EDUC 950-5 Approaches to Educational Research
EDUC 964-5 Seminar in Educational Theory
and three five-unit graduate courses that will be designated by the specific EdD faculty team that is responsible for program focus,
design, teaching and senior supervision.
These designated courses will vary depending on program focus.
Comprehensive Examination
Allcandidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term
immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before the fourth
course, a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Program in Educational Leadership
*The EdD program in Leadership is offered in both English and in French (and depends from year to year which program is offered).
engaging the world

This EdD program looks beyond educational leadership and the applicationof generic management techniques. Itprepares leaders
for situations where technique is insufficient and prepares educational leaders to deal
with currently pressing issues to to understand
deeper ethical, political, socio-cultural, technological, and educational matters.
The doctorate in educational leadership is designed to meetthe needs offrancophone and francophile leaders currently working or
planning to work in education (schools, colleges, training centres) or in other public or para-public services such as healthcare,
social work, community services, public/civil service, NGO, development agencies, cultural organizations etc.
Designated Courses
EDUC 960-5 Ethics, Law and Professional Leadership
EDUC 961-5 Educational Governance, Reform and Diversity
EDUC 962-5 Organizational Leadership, Accountabilityand the Public Interest
For information about completing this program in the French language, see www.sfu.ca/educfr/en/doctoral-deoree.
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduatestudents mustsatisfythe academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
engaging the world

Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Proposed Changes:
Educational Psychology (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty of Education
Simon Fraser University Calendar 2013 Summer
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced
competencein conducting significant and original education research. In this program, students develop specialized knowledge and
skills through advanced study in educational psychology.
Students admittedto the program must have completed academic studies that equate to, or significantly parallel, courses inthe
master ofarts (MA) program in educational psychology. Wheregaps exist, an individual program of studies will be developed that
includes courses from the master'sprogram as well as otherappropriate academic experiences (e.g., directed readings courses).
If EDUC975 was taken in the MA program, PhD students are not required to retake the course.
This program does not prepare students for registration with the BC Collegeof Psychologists unless students meet significant
additional requirements outside the scope of this program.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered ifsuperior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Graduateeducation Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application
information is
and application deadlines
are available beginning November 15 from the Faculty of Education. All applications aro
reviewed once a year. Complotod applications must be rocoivod by January 15.
Program Requirements
Students are required to complete
EDUC 971-4 Advanced Topics in Educational Psychology
EDUC 975-4 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Educational Research
Twelve units of additional course work chosen withthe approval of the senior supervisor
±—EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
899-10 DoGtoral Thosic
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
• EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
engaging the world

Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are
completed, or the term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally,
before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the
program, every term, students enrol in:
• EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
Proposed Calendar Language:
Faculty of Education
Doctor of philosophy (PhD)
degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced
competence in conducting significant and original education research. In this program, students develop specialized knowledge and
skills through advanced study in educational psychology.
Students admitted to the program must have completed academic studies that equate to, or significantly parallel, courses in the
master of arts (MA) program in educational psychology. Where gaps exist, an individual program of studies will be developed that
includes courses from the master's program as well as other appropriate academic experiences (e.g., directed readings courses).
If EDUC 975 was taken in the MA program, PhD students are not required to retake the course.
This program does not prepare students for registration with the BC College of Psychologists unless students meet significant
additional requirements outside the scope of this program.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered ifsuperior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information and
application deadlines are available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
Students are required to complete
engaging the world

EDUC 971-4 Advanced Topics in Educational Psychology
EDUC 975-4 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Educational Research
Twelve units of additional course work chosen with the approval of the senior supervisor
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the
term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before
the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every
term, students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.

Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Proposed Changes:
Educational Technology and Learning Design (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Simon Fraser UniversityCalendar 2013 Summer
Doctor ofphilosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition ofadvanced knowledge in a field ofspecialization and advanced
competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program develops highly qualified educational
technology researchers and designers in academia, research and development labs, corporations, school boards or other settings.
The program is organized in close conjunction with the master in educational technology and learning design program.
This program requires successful completion ofa minimum of20 units ofcourse work culminating in a comprehensive
examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements maybe considered ifsuperior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Graduate education Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program orspecialization. Updated application
information is
and application deadlines are
available beginning November 15 from the Facultv ofEducation. All applications
aro reviewed once a year. Completed applications must bo received byJanuary 15.
Admitted students satisfy all requirements for the master ineducational technology and learning design. Applicants are welcomed
from a variety of educational andtechnical backgrounds, although they may be required to complete courses from themaster of
arts (MA) programbefore beginning course work on the PhD.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC 863-3 Quantitative Methods in Educational Research
EDUC 867-5 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
EDUC 931-4 DoctoralSeminar I in Educational Technology and Learning Design
EDUC 932-4 Doctoral Seminar II in Educational Technology and Learning Design
and one of
EDUC 866-5 Advanced Qualitative Methods in Education*
EDUC 975-4 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Educational Research*
and one graduate elective course ofa minimum ofthree units, as approved by the supervisor and co-ordinator ofthe program. The
supervisory committee may require further work in the Faculty of Education orother faculties. Students are encouraged to
complete additional courses from related units outside of the Faculty of Education.
*prerequisites must also be satisfied, either prior to admission or during enrolment (see EDUC courses for prerequisites)

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In addition to the course requirements listed above, students must also participate in the Educational Technology Program Institute
each term.
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
This course is a prerequisite to EDUC 899 Doctoral Thesis. Normally, the comprehensive exam is completed in the term in which
course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended.
before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the tonurod or tenure track Faculty of Education member whom the
student proposes to bo senior supervisor. Following the supervisor's approval and at least one other faculty member chosen in
consultation with tho senior supervisor, tho supervisory committee is formed and tho student procoods to tho thesis by completing
supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
engaging the world

Proposed Calendar Language:
Educational Technology and Learning Design (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization andadvanced
competence in conducting significant and original education research. This programdevelops highly qualified educational
technology researchers and designers in academia, research and development labs, corporations school boards or other settings.
Theprogram is organized in close conjunction withthe master ineducational technology and learning design program.
Thisprogram requires successful completion of a minimum of 20 units of course work culminating in a comprehensive
examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for Universityadmission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professionalachievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular programor specialization. Updated application informationand
application deadlines are available from the Facultv of Education.
Admitted students satisfy all requirements for the master in educational technology and learning design. Applicants are welcomed
from a variety of educational and technical backgrounds, although they may be required to complete courses from the master of
arts (MA) program before beginning course work on the PhD.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC 863-3 Quantitative Methods in Educational Research
EDUC 867-5 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
EDUC 931-4 Doctoral Seminar I in Educational Technology and Learning Design
EDUC 932-4 Doctoral Seminar II in Educational Technology and Learning Design
and one of
EDUC 866-5 Advanced Qualitative Methods in Education*
EDUC 975-4 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Educational Research*
and one graduate electivecourse of a minimum of three units, as approved by the supervisorand co-ordinator of the program. The
committee may require further work in the Faculty of Education or other faculties. Students are encouraged to
complete additional courses from related units outside of the Faculty of Education.
*prerequisites must also be satisfied, either prior to admissionor during enrolment (see EDUC courses for prerequisites)
In addition to the course requirements listed above, students must alsoparticipate in the Educational Technology Program Institute
each term.
engaging the world

Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
Normally, the comprehensive exam is completed inthe term inwhich course requirements are completed, orthe term immediately
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before
the fourth course, a thesis research plan ispresented to the supervisory committee. Uponentry to the program, every term,
students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students mustsatisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time,anddegree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
engaging the world

Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Proposed Changes:
Languages, Cultures and Literacies (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Simon Fraser University Calendar
2013 Summer
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced
competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program offers educators and researchers the
opportunity to focus on the cultural and linguistic diversity that characterizes contemporaryclassrooms. The program provides
opportunities for students to participate in ongoing research and ultimately to conduct their own research regarding how diversity
might be recognized, strengthened and taken as a resource in public education. Courses offer a range of opportunities to question
meanings and practices of social difference including those based on race, gender, language, class, and sexuality.
This program requires successful completion of 23 units of course work culminating in a comprehensive examination and a
doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Graduate education Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application
information is and application deadlines are available beginning November 15 from the Facultv of Education. All applications are
reviewed once a year. Completed applications must be received by January 15.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC867-5 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
EDUC 923-4 The Politics of Difference: Coalition Building and Critical Pedagogy
EDUC 924-4 Multilingual Societies and Identities in a Globalizing World
EDUC 925-4 Critical Literacies in Multilingual Contexts
• EDUC 926-2 Doctoral Seminar A: Anthropological Approaches to Educational Research
• EDUC 927-2 Doctoral Seminar B: Sociolinguistic Approaches to Educational Research
EDUC 928-2 Doctoral Seminar C:Critical and Sociocultural Approaches to Educational Research
Students are welcome to complete other courses in the Faculty of Education and throughout the University, with their senior
supervisor's permission.
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
• EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

This course is a prerequisite to EDUC 899 10 Doctoral Thesis. Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term
in which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended.
before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the tenured or tenure track Faculty of Education member whom tho
student proposes to be senior supervisor. Following the supervisor'sapproval and at least one other faculty member chosen in
consultation with the senior supervisor, the supervisory committee is formed and the student proceeds to the thesis by completing
supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
• EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
Proposed Calendar Language:
Languages, Cultures and Literacies (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced
competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program offers educators and researchers the
opportunity to focus on the cultural and linguistic diversity that characterizes contemporary classrooms. The program provides
opportunities for students to participate in ongoing research and ultimately to conduct their own research regarding how diversity
might be recognized, strengthened and taken as a resource in public education. Courses offer a range of opportunities to question
meanings and practices of social difference including those based on race, gender, language, class, and sexuality.
This program requires successful completion of 23 units of course work culminating in a comprehensive examination and a
doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information and
application deadlines are available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of

EDUC 867-5 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
EDUC 923-4 The Politics of Difference: Coalition Building and Critical Pedagogy
EDUC 924-4 Multilingual Societies and Identities in a Globalizing World
EDUC 925-4 Critical Literacies in Multilingual Contexts
EDUC 926-2 Doctoral Seminar A: Anthropological Approaches to Educational Research
EDUC 927-2 Doctoral Seminar B: Sociolinguistic Approaches to Educational Research
EDUC 928-2 Doctoral Seminar C: Critical and Sociocultural Approaches to Educational Research
Students are welcome to complete other courses in the Faculty of Education and throughout the University, with their senior
supervisor's permission.
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
• EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term
immediately following.
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before
the fourth course,a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term,
students enrol in:
EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.

Effective Summer 2014
Current Calendar Language with Pronosed Changes:
Mathematics Education (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Simon Fraser University Calendar 2013 Summer
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization andadvanced
competence inconducting significant and original education research. This program isfor those interested in becoming scholars
and leaders inmathematics education. Prior knowledge ofmathematics and issues related to teaching and learning mathematics is
This program requires successful completion of a minimum of22 units of course work culminating in a comprehensive
examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 forUniversity admission requirements. Inexceptional circumstances, applicants who donot
meet theserequirements maybe considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Graduate education Admission isgranted to a specific degree and toa particular program orspecialization. Updated application
information is and application deadlines are available beginning November 15 from the Facultv of Education. All applications aro
reviewed once a year. Completed applications must bo received by January 15.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC 910-5 Directed Readings
EDUC 941-5 Mathematical Learning and Thinking: Historical, Philosophical and Psychological
EDUC 942-5 Contemporary Theories and Methodologies in Mathematics Education
EDUC 946-5 Doctoral Seminar in Mathematics Education
and one elective graduate course, as approved bythe supervisor and co-ordinator of the program.
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
This course is a prerequisite to EDUC 899 10 Doctoral Thesis. Normally, the comprehensive exam is completed in the term in
which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following.

A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended.
before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the tenured or tenure track Faculty of Education member whom tho
student proposesto be senior supervisor. Following the supervisor's approval and at least one other faculty member chosen in
consultation with the senior supervisor, the supervisory committee is formed and tho student proceeds to the thesis by completing
supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term, students enrol in:
• EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
Proposed Calendar Language:
Mathematics Education (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty ofEducation
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced
competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program is for those interested in becoming scholars
and leaders in mathematics education. Prior knowledge of mathematics and issues related to teaching and learning mathematics is
This program requires successful completion of a minimum of 22 units of course work culminating in a comprehensive
examination and a doctoral thesis.
Admission Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not
meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information and
application deadlines are available from the Faculty
of Education.
Program Requirements
Students complete all of
EDUC 910-5 Directed Readings
EDUC 941-5 Mathematical Learning and Thinking: Historical, Philosophical and Psychological

• EDUC 942-5 Contemporary Theories and Methodologies in Mathematics Education
• EDUC 946-5 Doctoral Seminar in Mathematics Education
and one elective graduate course, as approved by the supervisor and co-ordinator of the program.
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
• EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
Normally, the comprehensive exam is completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately
A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before
the fourth course,a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, every term,
students enrol in:
• EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence,
course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well
as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.

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