1. Open Session
      1. 1. Approval of the Agenda
      2. 2. Minutes of the Open Session on June 10, 2013
      3. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes
      4. 4. Report of the Chair
      5. 5. Question Period
      6. 6. Reports of Committees
      7. ii) Occupational Ergonomics Certificate (S.13-96)Motion
      8. v) Senate Guidelines for External Reviews of Academic Units (S.13-99)Motion
      9. Information) (S.13-107)
      10. 8. Information
      11. i) Date of the next regular meeting – Monday, September 9, 2013.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
Monday, July 8, 2013 at 5:30 pm at the West Mall Complex (Room 3210)
Open Session
Paul Percival, Vice-Chair
Acierno, Kyle
Birmingham, Elina
Burley, David
Chapman, Glenn
Corbett, Kitty
Craig, John
Cupples, Claire
Delgrande, Jim
Driver, Jon
Eckman, Charles
Elle, Elizabeth
Geisler, Cheryl
Jawanda, Harvey
Jozaghi, Ehsan
Khan, Humza
Laitsch, Dan
Leacock, Tracey
Lehal, Japreet
Liljedahl, Peter (for Wade Parkhouse)
Lu, Yoko
Norouzi, Yasmine
Pappas, Panayiotis
Paterson, David
Pierce, John
Pinto, Mario
Quarmby, Lynne
Rajapakse, Nimal
Ruben, Peter
Shaffer, Catherine
Shapiro, Daniel
Shapiro, Lisa
Tingling, Peter
Truong, Tesicca
Warner, D’Arcy
Kate Ross, Registrar and Executive Director, Student Enrolment
Kris Nordgren, Recording Secretary
Antle, Alissa
Brennand, Tracy
Easton, Stephen
Eikerling, Michael
Flodr, Sarah-Sophia
Francis, June
Golnaraghi, Farid
Gordon, Robert
Hedley, Nick
Jermias, Johnny
Kessler, Anke
Kopahi, Moe
Kwon, Caleb
Leznoff, Daniel
Magnusson, Kris
McRae, Jennifer
Myers, Gordon
O’Neil, John
Pavsek, Christopher
Percival, Colin
Perry, Tom
Petter, Andrew
Schellenberg, Betty
Shaw, Chris
Somers, Julian
Taylor, Carole
Thiara, Karanvir Singh
Wakarchuk, Forrest
Wussow, Helen
In Attendance:
Arnold, Anne-Kristina,
Cameron, Rob
Dill, Ryan
Nicholls, Glynn
Northwood, Ingrid
Rogers, Nicole

S.M. July 8, 2013
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Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as distributed.
Minutes of the Open Session on June 10, 2013
The minutes of the open session on June 10, 2013 were approved as distributed.
Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising from the minutes.
Report of the Chair
The Vice-Chair reported that the Chair is visiting Israel and Palestine with a delegation of
Canadian university presidents. The delegation intends to build relationships with leading
academic institutions, particularly in the areas of science, technology and education.
The Vice-Chair reported that SFU has been recognized as one of the top 100 universities under 50
years old by Times Higher Education (THE). The list showcases the rising stars of post-
secondary education and SFU has moved up to #26 from #30 last year.
The Vice-Chair reported that SFU was successful in three SSHRC Partnership Grant applications,
including one joint application. Each will receive $2.5 million to mobilize research knowledge
for academic and non-academic communities. Marianne Ignace, faculty member in the
Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Department of First Nations Studies, is
leading a partnership between the University’s First Nations Language Centre and 22 community-
based First Nations groups to preserve and revitalize First Nations languages and culture in BC
and the Yukon. Judith Marcuse, adjunct professor in the Faculty of Education, will lead a group
of artists and researchers in creating resources and providing education and leadership in the field
of art for social change. John Calvert, faculty member in the Faculty of Health Sciences, is
participating in a partnership, led by McMaster University, which will focus on the future of
disability policy in Canada.
The Vice-Chair reported that the SFU 50
Anniversary campaign is underway, with a special
campaign launch event planned for September 9, 2013 in Convocation Mall.
The Vice-Chair noted that September 24, 2013 is Terry Fox Day, with the annual Terry’s Cause
on Campus walk/run event scheduled to raise awareness of and raise funds for cancer research
and prevention.
Question Period
There were no questions submitted for question period.
Reports of Committees
Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP)
Suspension of Admission to the Multimedia Computing Specialist Major (S.13-95)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by P. Pappas.

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“That Senate approve the suspension of admission to the Multimedia Computing Specialist Major
Program in the School of Computing Science within the Faculty of Applied Sciences, effective
Spring 2014.”
Rob Cameron, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, was in attendance to respond
to questions.
Question was called and a vote taken.
Occupational Ergonomics Certificate (S.13-96)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by P. Ruben.
“That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal for
an Occupational Ergonomics Certificate in the Department of Biomedical Physiology and
Kinesiology within the Faculty of Science, effective Spring 2014.”
Ryan Dill and Anne-Kristina Arnold, faculty members in the Department of Biomedical
Physiology and Kinesiology, were in attendance to respond to questions.
Question was called and a vote taken.
Joint Major in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (S.13-97)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by L. Quarmby.
“That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal for a
Joint Major in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in the departments of
Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the Faculty of Science, effective
Spring 2014.”
Ingrid Northwood, Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Molecular Biology
and Biochemistry, was in attendance to respond to questions.
Question was called and a vote taken.
Joint Honours in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (S.13-98)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by P. Ruben.
“That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal for a
Joint Honours in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in the departments of
Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the Faculty of Science, effective
Spring 2014.”
Ingrid Northwood, Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Molecular Biology
and Biochemistry, was in attendance to respond to questions.
Question was called and a vote taken.

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Senate Guidelines for External Reviews of Academic Units (S.13-99)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by J. Pierce.
“That Senate approve the revised Senate Guidelines for External Reviews of Academic Units.”
Glynn Nicholls, Director, Academic Planning and Budgeting, was in attendance to respond to
Question was called and a vote taken.
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SCUS)
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.13-100)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, made revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Health Sciences (S.13-101)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, made revisions to an existing course in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.13-102)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, added new courses and made revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of
Science (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology).
Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC)
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.13-103)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, added new courses and made revisions to existing courses and programs in the Faculty
of Arts and Social Sciences (French; Gerontology; Psychology; Sociology and Anthropology).
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.13-104)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, made revisions to existing courses and programs in the Faculty of Education.
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.13-105)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, made revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of Science (Biological Sciences;
Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology; Mathematics).
Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
Senate Committee Elections (For Information) (S.13-106)
Senate received a summary of the nominations, positions elected by acclamation, positions
requiring an online vote, and outstanding vacancies for the Senate committees.
Other Business
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Truth and Reconciliation Commission National Event – September 18, 2013 (For
Information) (S.13-107)
Senate received information regarding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission National Event
in September 2013 in Vancouver.
The President and Vice-President, Academic, reviewed the request to cancel classes on
September 18, 2013. In response to the request and to recognize the extended nature of the event,
a motion was proposed to recognize the entire week as a special week and to make provisions to
allow for students to attend events associated with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
national event.
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by M. Pinto.
“In recognition of the unique national importance of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of
Canada (TRC), and specifically the BC National Event to be held in Vancouver this fall, Senate
supports the designation of September 16
to 22
, 2013 as Reconciliation Week at Simon Fraser
University. Senate encourages all instructors to accommodate, without academic penalty, any
students who wish to participate in TRC and Reconciliation Canada events and activities during
that week. Senate also encourages instructors to incorporate material relevant to the history of
residential schools and the reconciliation process into their courses.”
Nicole Rogers, Government & Community Relations Officer, was in attendance to respond to
A question was asked whether “participate” meant volunteering only or if it would include
attending sessions. Senate was informed that the intention is to allow people to attend events, not
simply to be organizers.
Clarification was requested whether the accommodation would be for the entire week or only
September 18
. Senate was informed that events will be taking place between September 16
and September 22
, and that instructors are encouraged to accommodate students who may wish
to attend events throughout the week.
Questions were asked how faculty could accommodate students who wished participate, whether
students would be penalized for not attending tutorials, labs or lectures, and whether teaching
materials for missed classes would be made available. Senate was informed that the intent is for
students to inform their instructors of their absence and that instructors would be encouraged to
accommodate the request in the manner best suited to the situation.
Questions were asked whether faculty and staff would be included in the accommodation to
attend TRC events. Senate was informed that faculty and staff are outside the scope of Senate’s
responsibilities and that the desires of individual employee groups would need to be taken up with
their respective administrators.
Comments were made that a single day closure would have more impact than a week of
recognition. Senate was informed that since the TRC program was announced more activities
have been planned over a greater proportion of the week; therefore, it was felt that it was
appropriate for the University to recognize the entire week of this event.

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Clarification was requested regarding the planned events at SFU during the week of recognition.
Senate was informed that the University does not want to compete with the TRC event activities,
so efforts will be made to encourage students to attend TRC events and to build an SFU team for
the Walk for Reconciliation on Sunday, September 22. Other events at SFU may be planned for
the week prior to the event.
The Simon Fraser Student Society was thanked for bringing this item to Senate.
Question was called and a vote taken.
Date of the next regular meeting – Monday, September 9, 2013.
Open session adjourned 6:28 pm and Senate moved into the closed session after a five-minute
Kate Ross
Registrar & Executive Director Student Enrolment

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