1. Open Session
      1. 1. Approval of the Agenda
      2. 2. Minutes of the Open Session on September 10, 2012
      3. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes
      4. 4. Report of the Chair
      5. 5. Question Period
      6. 6. Reports of Committees
      7. Motion
      8. ii) Graduate Certificate in Business in the Americas (S.12-140)
      9. Motion
      10. iii) Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences (S.12-141)
      11. Motion
      12. iv) External Review for the School of Communication (S.12-142)
      13. Motion
      14. External Review for the Department of English (S.12-143)
      15. Motion
      16. (S.12-144)
      17. Motion
      18. B) Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC)
      19. 7. Other Business
      20. 8. Information
      21. i) Date of the next regular meeting – Monday, November 5, 2012.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
Monday, October 1, 2012 at 5:30 pm at the West Mall Complex (Room 3210)
Open Session
Andrew Petter, President and Chair
Black, Sam
Brandhorst, Bruce
Burley, David
Chapman, Glenn
Corbett, Kitty
Craig, John
Cupples, Claire
Delgrande, Jim
Driver, Jon
Flodr, Sarah-Sophia
Francis, June
Geisler, Cheryl
Hall, Angie
Hedley, Nick
Kessler, Anke
Leacock, Tracey
Leznoff, Daniel
Li, Paul
Lundgreen-Nielsen, Jens
Madoc-Jones, Geoff
Magnusson, Kris
Myers, Gordon
O’Neil, John
Parekh, Nimisha
Parkhouse, Wade
Paterson, David
Percival, Colin
Percival, Paul
Perry, Tom
Pinto, Mario
Quarmby, Lynne
Rajapakse, Nimal
Ruben, Peter
Schellenberg, Betty
Tingling, Peter
Kate Ross, Registrar and Executive Director, Student Enrolment
Shelley Gair, Recording Secretary
Brennand, Tracy
Chen, Alexander
Cyr, Dianne
Easton, Stephen
Eckman, Charles
Elle, Elizabeth
Golnaraghi, Farid
Gordon, Robert
Kopahi, Moe
Kropinski, Mary Catherine
Laitsch, Dan
Leivdal, Joseph
McRae, Jennifer
Palis, Heather
Pavsek, Christopher
Pierce, John
Pilarinos, Andreas
Robinsmith, Stacey
Sakhrani, Rohan
Shapiro, Daniel
Shaw, Chris
Somers, Julian
Szeto, Hendson
Taylor, Carole
Warner, D’Arcy
Wilson, Meaghan
Woodbury, Rob
Wussow, Helen
Zhang, Kevin
In Attendance:
Beale, Alison
Daminato, Cathy
Lechner, Mark
Tiffany, Evan
Volkoff, Olga

S.M. October 1, 2012
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Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as distributed.
Minutes of the Open Session on September 10, 2012
The minutes of the open session on September 10, 2012 were approved as distributed.
Business Arising from the Minutes
Senate was informed that the curriculum questions raised by Senator Leacock at the September
Senate meeting are being investigated and the information will be made available to Senator
Leacock and anyone that expresses an interest.
Report of the Chair
The Chair welcomed two new faculty Senators from the Faculty of Education, Geoff Madoc-
Jones and David Paterson, and then provided an update on some new initiatives and information
The first community summit of SFU Public Square was held in September and was successful in
engaging the community. The SFU Public Square is an ongoing initiative where people within the
university can connect with the community and people in the community can involve the
university on issues of public concern. The Dream Colloquium Series, also a new initiative, has
held two sessions and both were well attended. The purpose of this initiative is to create
interdisciplinary engagement for students, provide an opportunity for faculty to get together and
create a lecture series that may lead to research and teaching collaborations, and to provide some
outstanding speakers for the university community. Additional information on both of these
initiatives can be found on their respective websites.
Several information items were highlighted for Senate. A new Office of Sustainability has been
established on campus for the purpose of developing a strategic approach to the various
sustainability commitments. The Chair encouraged all Senators to attend the upcoming
Convocation ceremonies. A research reception will be held on October 30
with the purpose of
discussing research, updating the community and celebrating some of the success that SFU has
had over the past year. Strike notices were recently served by TSSU and CUPE concerning
contracts that were not settled in the previous mandate. The Chair assured everyone that the
university will attempt to keep everyone informed throughout the process.
The Chair also mentioned that he had the opportunity to provide the keynote address at the
MOSAIC Annual General meeting. MOSAIC is an organization that provides immigrant and
settlement services for refugees and immigrants. The President used this opportunity to
emphasize the need for adequate space for undergraduate and graduate students, funding for
students, and a strategic focus on investments in innovation, research and future job creation
within B.C.

S.M. October 1, 2012
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Question Period
A concern was raised regarding the new Office of Sustainability and the trend within universities
to have an increasing portion of the budget spent on central administration as opposed to teaching
or research. Senate was informed that SFU has the lowest administrative overhead of any
comprehensive university in Canada and that the creation of the new office is actually a
realignment of current resources and an opportunity for existing personnel to work together in a
more coordinated way. A request was made to see the numbers regarding administrative costs and
the Chair assured Senate that this would be made available.
Reports of Committees
Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP)
Terms of Reference for the Beedie Professorship Endowment Fund (S.12-139)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by T. Leacock
“That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Terms of Reference
for the Beedie Professorship Endowment Fund.”
Question was called and a vote taken.
Graduate Certificate in Business in the Americas (S.12-140)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by J. Francis
“That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal
for a Graduate Certificate in Business in the Americas within the Beedie School of
Business, effective Spring 2013.”
The effective date was originally Summer 2013 but it was changed to Spring 2013 during the
Question was called and a vote taken.
Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences (S.12-141)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by J. Craig
“That Senate and approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program
Proposal for a Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences in the Department of
Philosophy within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the Faculty of Health Sciences,
effective Fall 2013.”
Question was called and a vote taken.

S.M. October 1, 2012
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External Review for the School of Communication (S.12-142)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by C. Geisler
“That Senate approve the Action Plan for the School of Communication that resulted from
its External Review.”
A question was raised as to why one of the recommendations, that a greater number of students
should be in the Honours program, wasn’t addressed in the response from the School of
Communication. Senate was informed that in the review, the nature of Honour programs at SFU
was misunderstood and rather than correct this error, it was decided to focus on the action plans
Concern was also expressed that the recommendation by the external review that senior faculty
members should be teaching at all levels and that there was a “malaise” among the senior faculty,
was not adequately addressed. Senate was informed by the Director of the School of
Communication that it was felt that the malaise described by the external reviewers was
somewhat exaggerated and that a meeting has been planned within the School of Communication
to review the three areas of faculty responsibility (i.e. service, teaching, supervision) and to
encourage senior faculty to stay involved.
Question was called and a vote taken.
External Review for the Department of English (S.12-143)
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by J. Craig
“That Senate approve the Action Plan for the Department of English that resulted from its
External Review.”
Question was called and a vote taken.
Name Change for the Institute for Research on Early Education and Child Health
Moved by J. Driver, seconded by D. Paterson
“That Senate approve the name of the Institute for Research on Early Education and Child
Health be changed to Centre for Research on Early Child Health and Education.”
Question was called and a vote taken.

S.M. October 1, 2012
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Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC)
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.12-145)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, made a revision to an existing course in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
(Liberal Studies).
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-146)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, made revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of Education.
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Health Sciences (S.12-147)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, made revisions to an existing program in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-148)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, made revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of Science (Earth Science,
C) Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
i) Senate Committee Elections (S.12-136)
Senate received a revised summary from the Senate Nominating Committee regarding election
results, nominations received and outstanding vacancies for positions on Senate committees that
are elected by Senate.
Other Business
There was no other business.
Date of the next regular meeting – Monday, November 5, 2012.
Kate Ross
Registrar & Executive Director Student Enrolment

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