1. 1. Report of the Chair
      2. 2. Terms of Reference for the Beedie Professorship Endowment Fund
      3. (S.12-139)
      4. 3. New Program: Graduate Certificate in Business in the Americas (S.12-140)
      5. 4. New Program: Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences (S.12-141)
      6. 5. External Review for the School of Communication (S.12-142)
      7. 6. External Review for the Department of English (S.12-143)
      8. 7. Name Change for the Institute for Research on Early Education and Child
      9. Health (S.12-144)
      10. 8. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
      11. (S.12-145)
      12. 9. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-146)
      13. a) Education
      14. 10. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Health Sciences (S.12-147)
      15. a) Master of Public Health
      16. 11. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-148)
      17. b) Mathematics
      18. 12. Senate Committee Elections (S.12-136)

Report of the Chair
The Chair welcomed two new faculty Senators from the Faculty of Education,
Geoff Madoc-Jones and David Paterson, and then provided an update on some
new initiatives and information items.
The first community summit of SFU Public Square was held in September and
was successful in engaging the community. The SFU Public Square is an ongoing
initiative where people within the university can connect with the community and
people in the community can involve the university on issues of public concern.
The Dream Colloquium Series, also a new initiative, has held two sessions and
both were well attended. The purpose of this initiative is to create
interdisciplinary engagement for students, provide an opportunity for faculty to
get together and create a lecture series that may lead to research and teaching
collaborations, and to provide some outstanding speakers for the university
community. Additional information on both of these initiatives can be found on
their respective websites.
Several information items were highlighted for Senate. A new Office of
Sustainability has been established on campus for the purpose of developing a
strategic approach to the various sustainability commitments. A research
reception will be held on October 30
with the purpose of discussing research,
updating the community and celebrating some of the success that SFU has had
over the past year. Strike notices were recently served by TSSU and CUPE
concerning contracts that were not settled in the previous mandate. The Chair
assured everyone that the university will attempt to keep everyone informed
throughout the process.
Terms of Reference for the Beedie Professorship Endowment Fund
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the Terms of
Reference for the Beedie Professorship Endowment Fund.
New Program: Graduate Certificate in Business in the Americas (S.12-140)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the Full Program
Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Business in the Americas within the Beedie
School of Business, effective Spring 2013.”

Page 2 of 3
New Program: Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences (S.12-141)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the Full Program
Proposal for a Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences in the Department
of Philosophy within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and in the Faculty of
Health Sciences, effective Fall 2013.
External Review for the School of Communication (S.12-142)
Senate approved the Action Plan for the School of Communication that resulted
from its External Review.
External Review for the Department of English (S.12-143)
Senate approved the Action Plan for the Department of English that resulted from
its External Review.
Name Change for the Institute for Research on Early Education and Child
Health (S.12-144)
Senate approved the name change from Institute for Research on Early Education
and Child Health to Centre for Research on Early Child Health and Education.
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting
under delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revision effective
Spring 2013:
a) Liberal Studies
- Course (reinstated): LS 811
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-146)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting
under delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective
Spring 2013:
a) Education
- Courses (prerequisite): EDUC 862, EDUC 870
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Health Sciences (S.12-147)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting
under delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective
Summer 2013:
a) Master of Public Health
- Program: Environmental and Occupational Health Stream

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Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-148)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting
under delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective
Spring 2013:
a) Earth Science
- Course (reinstated): EASC 619
b) Mathematics
- Course (reinstated): MATH 767
Senate Committee Elections (S.12-136)
Senate received a revised summary from the Senate Nominating Committee of
nominations received and outstanding vacancies for positions on Senate
committees that are elected by Senate.
The approved Senate minutes will be available online following the next Senate meeting. For
more detailed information on each Senate item, please refer to the October Senate documents at
If you have any questions regarding this summary, please contact Shelley Gair, Senate Assistant,
at 778-782-3168 or shelley_gair@sfu.ca.

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