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Educ. 489-4 Experimental Course: Thinking in Sound ?
Tuesday ?
Friday, 8:30 - 12:20
LOCATION: on campus
Some musical experience and teaching experience in the arts are
necessary in order to derive most benefit from the course.
Students who feel they have not got a suitable background
should consult the tutor Dr. Robert Walker at the Faculty of
Education (291-3395).
- Thinking in sound is often ignored in Music Education in favour
of children being trained to perform.
- Mendelssohn said that the meanings applicable to music are too
precise for words to convey. This implies that such meanings
are not easily expressed in words, if at all. The thinking
which produces such meanings relies on an internal symbolic
- This course explores the nature of this internal function as it
relates to musical sounds both historical and contemporary.
- The physiognomic properties of sounds provide the external
stimuli for internal semiotic functions, and both form the basis
of study.
Through lectures, discussions and practical work students are
encouraged to explore the medium of sound using contemporary
techniques of analysis and composition of sound structures, and
to discover the relevance of such activities to music education.
Written and practical work will be required.

Education 4894 Ex
erimental Course: Developmental Drama
Tuesday and Thursday
Instructor: Judith-Blythe Barnard
Course Objectives:
--to develop or continue to develop a philosophy of developmental drama
--to sharpen sense awareness
--to expand improvisational skills
--to develop a drama curriculum applicable to your own teaching
--to acquaint oneself more fully with the literature on developmental
Workshops and seminars will investigate the following areas of work:
--improvisational techniques and theatre games for different age levels
and special groups/situations (e.g. handicapped, juvenile offenders)
--children's play and the development to playmaking (theatre)
Towards a philosophy of Developmental Drama
--the British/Canadian approach
--the American approach
Drama and Personal Development
--concentration, imagination, sensitivity, trust, personal confidence
--value of role-playing
Drama and Movement
--movement games
--the importance of the play in the children's development--why, when
and how?
--source material
Drama as a Teaching Tool
--how to incorporate teaching drama in school subjects
--role-playing effectively in school situations
Plus time for discussing specific areas of concern and interest to you
Grades will be awarded on the basis of continuous assessment, the
submission of a
drama-curriculum pertaining
own situation,
a sense awareness notebook and a clear, well-written paper expressing
the student's philosophy of drama.
Text: Way, Brian: Development Through Drama: Longmans
Please feel free to ask questions!

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Recommended books for Education
Barker, Clive. Theatre Games Drama Book Specialists
Barnfield, Gabriel. Creative Drama in Schools. London,cmil1an
Barton, Robert, David Booth, Agnes Bucklesand William Moore.
Nobody in the Cast. Longman
Burton, E.J. Teaching English Through Self-Expression. Evans, London
Coggin, Philip
A. Drama and Education. London: Thames and Hudson.
Courtney, Richard.
lay, Drama and Thought. Drama Book Specialists
Hodgson, John, and Ernest Richards. Improvisation. Methuen
Jennings, Sue. Remedial Drama. Pitman
Johnstone, Keith. Impro. Theatre Arts Books
Kemp, David. A Different Drummer: An Ideas Book for Drama. McClelland
and Stewart
McCaslin, Nellie. Creative Dramatics in the Classroom. * Longmans
Siks, Geraldine. Drama with Children. Harper and Row.
Slade, Peter. Child Drama. University of London Press
Wagner, Betty Jane. Dorothy Heathcote: Drama as a Learning Medium.
Washington, D.C.: National Education Association,
Ward, Winnifred. Creative Dramatics. New York: Appleton
British Columbia. Drama 8 Guidelines. Victoria, B.C.: Ministry of
McCaslin, Nellie (ed.) Children and Drama. David McKay Company
Moreno, J.L. Psychodrama. Beacon House
Martin, William and Vallins, G. Exploration Drama: Teacher's
Book and (4 source books) Carnival, Legend, Horizon and Routes.
London: Cox and Wyman Ltd
Morgan, Elizabeth. A Practical Guide to Drama in the Primary School.
Scarborough, Yorkshire
Pemberton-Billing, RN, J.D. Clegg. Teaching Drama. University of
London Press
Wiles, John, A. Garrard. A Leap
Life! London: Chatto & Windus
Adland, D. E. Group Drama. Longmafls
Spolin. Improvisation for the Theatre. Northwsestern Press
Alington, A.F. Drama and Education. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
Cheifetz, Dan. Theatre in my Head.
Wise, Arthur. Speech Education. Longmans

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