SEducation 487-4 ?
    Special Topics: Writing Process
    Summer Session, 1986
    Instructor: V. Powers
    Mondays/Wednesdays, 8:30 - 12:20
    Location: MPX 9511
    It is the principle purpose of this course to improve
    the writing skills of the participants. It is the
    underlying belief of the instructor that a process oriented
    approach is superior to any remedial/diagnostic approach to
    improve the participants writing skills.
    The methods used to achieve this goal are:
    1) Have students become aware of their own individual
    styles and develop an understanding of how to best
    ut:illize these personal preferences of learning in
    developing productive writing habits.
    Have students develop a new reading focus - to read "as
    a writer". This will involve the reading of select
    pieces focusing on the writers style, and writing
    "tricks of the trade". A journal record will be kept by
    each student.
    3) Have students write each week, on a prescribed topic,
    with completed works to be discussed in a group workshop
    fashion. Each student will be expected to complete ten
    pieces of writing.
    Essentially, this course is a writing process approach
    designed to identify and explore specific strategies in
    improving writing, regardless of genre or purpose of the
    writing task.
    TEXTS (Required)
    C. Mamchur., Insights OISE Press
    Te Jjing (1985 Edition)
    IMPORTANT: Please note that a maximum of 12 semester hours
    of credit in Education Special Topics courses may be used
    toward a Bachelor of Education Degree.

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