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    Education 487-4
    Special Topics: Law for the Classroom Teacher
    Summer Session, 1984
    Instr.: Wanda Cassidy
    Tuesdays/Thursdays, 5:30 - 9:20
    Location: On Campus
    (*please note that an error has been made in the pre-registration booklet
    showing the time as Tues./Thurs. afternoon, 1:00 - 4:50 p.m. Instead
    this afternoon time is for the other special topics Law Course 488:
    Law in the Curriculum.)
    Objectives - "The individual, in order to effectively function within
    our society, requires a basic understanding of the law.
    (Moreover) the rule of law will not function as the
    cornerstone of our society unless our citizens understand
    the role of law in society and know and respect the rights
    and obligations which it confers."
    (John Finley, The National, Fall 1981)
    The purpose of this course is to provide teachers with a basic understanding
    of the law, its processes and role, so that they might be better able to
    teach it in the classroom.
    Eligibility - Legal concepts and topics can be taught through the elementary
    school curriculum as well as through more obvious secondary school courses
    such as Social Studies, Consumer Education and Law II. Teachers or
    prospective teachers from all grade levels, experienced in teaching law
    or not, are encouraged to apply. Minimum requirement is Educ. 401/2 or
    the equivalent of a first teaching practicum. Although not required,
    students are encouraged to also enroll in Educ. 488-4, the methodology
    course in law.
    Course Content - The course will be co-ordinated by Wanda Cassidy, Co-Director
    of the Education and Law Project at S.F.U. with the assistance of guest
    lawyers and law professors. Course content will include:
    I Legal Process - fundamentals of law, authority, legal
    institutions, legal process.
    II Legal Topics - each tackled from a different prospective -
    Criminal (historical), Family (cases), Constitutional
    (political), Labour (statutory), Contracts (economic),
    Property (comparative).
    Text - Students will be provided at minimal cost with a source book of
    Requirements - One major assignment analyzing an area of law. Readings
    and a weekly task.

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