Education 487-+ - Special Topics: The Early Primary Years -
    Strategies and Method for Kindergarten Teachers
    INSTRUCTOR: Patricia S. Whiteley
    July 4th - August 12th, 1983
    Mondays & Thursdays 1:00 - 4:50 p.m.
    on campus
    The class is designed to meet the needs and interests of individual students.
    The course will provide alternatives for the development of an individual
    program at the early childhood level. Course content is divided into four
    1) Values and Experiences: This area is included on the premise that the
    values and experiences of individuals directly affect their interactions
    with children and that awareness of these qualities is basic to effective
    functioning at the Early Childhood level.
    Observational skills and Knowledge of Child Development: Work in this
    area is directed toward increasing sensitivity to the process of working
    with young children through increasing
    1) observational skills
    knowledge of child development
    Resource: Assignments in this area focus upon the development and sharing
    of resource material that is consistent with needs and interests of young
    4) Organizational
    : The focus of the organizational area is on making program
    decisions which are consistent with the developmental needs of young
    children, i.e., to build an environment which will provide for an optimal
    level and quality of interaction with environmental components.
    Texts Required:
    Range, D. Layton; J. Roubenek, P. (Eds)
    Aspects of Early childhood Education
    Theory to Research to Practice, New York: Academic Press, 1980
    Cohen, D. H. Stern, V. Observing and Recording the Behavior
    of Young Children, New York: Teachers College Press, 1978

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