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    Spring Session 1978.
    Editha Stephens
    Monday 4:30 - 8:30
    Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor.
    30% three short papers/participation/presentation
    50% unit project
    20% take home exam.
    No text required: see reading list.
    The course will emphasize the use of specific com=ity resources in the
    teacher's own curriculum: field trip planning, teaching strategies in
    museums, art galleries, aquariums, etc., evaluation of field trip activities.
    Staff from various institutions will participate in planning and teaching
    the course. Course presentation will stress an interdisciplinary approach
    to each facility, and the development of appropriate research and planning
    There will be a series of student exercises and one major project based on
    one facility at the student's chosen level. Course content will include
    information on facilities, collections, and accessible information; practice
    in research and organization of field trips; techniques for using real objects
    and exhibits as teaching aids; concepts and theory in museum education.
    January 9 Introduction to the participating facilities and the course.
    Preparation and teaching approaches for S.F.U. Museum of
    Archaeology and Ethnology.
    16 Project ideas and discussion - Planning techniques.
    23 at Delta Museum (Ladner): teaching approaches to local history -
    finding resources (people) in the coirmunity.
    30 at Burnaby Heritage Village and B urn aby Art Gallery.
    February 6 at M.Y. William Geological Museum, U.B.C.
    13 at Richmond Arts Centre
    20 at U.B.C. Museum of Anthropology
    March 2 at Vancouver Public Aquarium
    6 at Vancouver Centennial Museum and Planetarium
    13 at Fort Langley and Fort Langely Centennial Museum
    20 at Van Dusen Gardens: teaching approaches - Questionning techniques.
    27 back on campus.

    Education 487
    Participants should be able to:
    - research background info on exhibits
    - define unit theme and concepts
    - organize field trip
    -plan unit lessons: pre-teaching
    field trip activities and follow up
    (plan object lesson and evaluation
    based on student outcomes .... what
    the kids should learn and how to test
    this without spoiling the trip).
    V,ii i.-H
    -assemble, organize, hand in
    outline (includes contacting
    museum/other staff if needed)
    -hand in single sheet outline
    -design field trip checklist
    -major project due March.
    Required Reading
    Schools Council, Pterodactyls and Old Lace, London, Evans Bros, 1972
    One or more of:
    Tilden, Freeman, Interpreting Our Heritage.
    Harrison, Molly, Museum Adventure.
    Marcouse, Renee, The Listening Eye.
    Sanders, N.M., ClassroOrñ Questions: What Kinds ?
    Important References:
    Wittlen, A.
    Museums In Search of a Usable Future.
    Noble, Joseph. ?
    "Museum Manifesto", Museum News, Vol. 48, #8,
    April 1970 pp. 16-20.
    Hager. ?
    Preparing InstruötiOnal Objectives.
    ES: ca

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