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Course Outline
EDtJC 486/845D
Louis Rubin
Issues and Strategies in Staff Development will
provide the student with a comprehensive overview of
contemporary staff development theory. The course
will deal with organizational factors -- time, place,
incentive structures, evaluation; process factors --
effective teaching procedures, collegial relationships,
content determination, collaborative action research;
and motivational factors --effective communication and
shared goals, the teacher's sense of personal efficacy,
instructional leadership responsibilities, and anticipated
Students will have an opportunity to apply these
staff development principles to their own teaching
situation, through an individual practicum, as well as an
opportunity to design a prototype staff development program
in an area of personal interest. Finally, the course will
provide a review of current recommendations regarding
school impovement, and a consideration of subject-matter
knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and stylistic idiocyncracies
in artistic teaching.

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Summer Institute on Teacher Education
Training Session
July 30
Implementation of Curricula and Staff Development
Louis Rubin
The training session will offer a "hands-on" approach
to curriculum development through staff development activities.
Particular attention will be given to the relationship
between teacher evaluation and staff development; the
staff development requirements imposed by curriculum change;
and the integration of both curriculum development and staff
development in school improve-Tent efforts. A variety of
practical strategies-c in coupling inservice programs with
curriculum reform will be described. In addition, the
training session will familiarize the participants with
the role of the instructional leader in promoting effective
articulation between method and content.

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