1. EDUCATION 485-4 ? S

Spring, 1987
Instructor: S. Fedorak, M.A.
Educational Gerontology
Tuesdays, 4:30 - 8:20 ?
Location: MPX 8627
Prerequisites: 60 credit hours. Gero 300 or some experience with older adults is recommended.
This is a course for those presently working or with an interest in working with older adults to assist them in
developing more effective strategies for meeting the needs of an expanding population of elders through
To better understand the learning lives of older adults and the variety of styles/methods of
learning/teaching as a basis for developing more effective programs.
Facts about the elderly relative to participation in education: age changes, needs, participation patterns,
and barriers.
Non-traditional styles and methods: self-directed learning, collaborative learning, learning partnerships,
peer counselling.
Program development: principles of curriculum development, health promotion, memory skills training,
assertion training, advocacy.
Evaluation will be based on a review of a selected article, a mini-literature review on a selected topic, an in-
class midterm, a group project and an individual project, and a personal journal to be handed in at the end
of the semester. There will be no final examination.
Required Readings:
Peterson, D.A. (1983). Facilitating Education for Older Learners San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
ISBN. 0-87589-565-4. (approximately $30)
Gibbons, M. (1985). The Working Journal. SFU publication (approximately $3).
Robinson, J., Saberton, S., & Griffin, V. (Eds.) (1985). Learning partnerships: Interdependent learning
in adult education. Toronto: OISE ($3).
Boyd, J., Fedorak, S., Lewis, C., & Fernandes, N. (1985). Gettin
together: A curriculum for
facilitating intergenerational learning. SFU (approximately $3).
A collection of selected readings to be purchased in class (approximately $10).
Lumsden, D. Barry. (1985). The Older Adult as Learner. North Texas State University.
ISBN 0-89116-291-7.
On 3 day reserve at the library
Cross, K.P. (1981). Adults as Learners.
Knowles, M. (1975). Self-directed Learning.
Knowles, M. (1978). The Adult Learner: A Nealected SDecies,
The Working Journal
Learning Partnerships
Getting Together

Barnes (1980)
John (1981)
Hiemstra (1976)
Schale (1985)
Gibbons & Phillips (1980)
McCiusky (1974)
Spencer & Tordoff (1984)
Brookfield (1984)
Fellenz (1983)
Tappen & Touchy (1986)
Nelson et al. (1986)
IMPORTANT: Please note that a maximum of 12 semester hours of credit In Education
Special Topics courses may be used toward a Bachelor of Education Degree.

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