    Education 486-4
    Special Topics: Writing Process
    Summer Session, 1984
    Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Mamchur
    Mondays/Wednesdays, 1:00-4:50 ?
    Location: On Campus
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    It is the principle purpose of this course to improve the writing skills
    of the participants.; It
    the underlying belief of the instructor that a process:
    oriented approach- is superior to any- remedial/diagnostic approach. to improve
    the participant's: writing skills.
    The methods used to achieve this goal are:
    Have students become aware of their own individual learning styles and
    develop an understanding of how to best utilize these personal preferences-
    of learning in developing productive writing, habits;.
    Have students: develop a new reading focus- - to read "as a wriiter". Th.ts'
    will involve the reading of select pieces: focusing on the writer's style,
    and writing "tricks of the trade". A journal record will be kept by-each.
    Have students: write each week, on a prescribed topic, with. completed works:
    to be dis-cuss:ed in a group workshop fas-h.ion. Each. student will he
    expected to complete ten pieces of writing.
    Essential ly, this- course i's a writing process approach designed to
    identify- and explore specific strategies; in improving writing, regardless of
    ,gene. or purpose of the writing task.
    Texts: (Recommended)
    Introduction to TYIDe
    Isabel Myers
    "Know Your Learning Style"
    Carolyn Mamchur
    A Writer Teaches Writing
    Donald i1urray
    Writing With Power
    Peter Elhour
    Form and Substance
    Richard Coe

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