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    EDUCATION 486-4
    SPECIAL TOPICS: The Early Primary Years -
    Strategies and Methods for Kindergarten Teachers
    SPRING, 1982
    INSTRUCTORS: D. Melanie Zola
    Maureen Cuming
    Wednesday, 4:30 - 8:20
    LOCATION: on campus
    The course will instroduce you to a survey of principles and practices
    of school programs for the early years - specifically at the Kindergarten
    and Year One levels in British Columbia.
    The course will focus on such topics as:
    - selected aspects of child growth and development as they
    relate to, and hold implication for, school programs
    in the initial years;
    - goals and objectives of a Kindergarten/Year One program;
    - creating learning environments and selecting, organizing,
    and implementing instructional strategies, materials, and
    - appraising pupil learning, assessing teaching performance,
    and evaluating educational programs.
    The course will comprise of a broad range of experiences (lectures,
    workshops, seminars, discussions groups, etc.) organized in such a
    way as to model a student-centered approach and to maximuze individual-
    ization of learning.
    Attendance and participation in all parts of the program.
    Completion of readings, completion of major investigative project,
    and completion of various follow-up assignments.
    Demonstration of competency in fulfilment of selected assignments.
    TEXT - No required text.
    A variety of recommended readings and resources.

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