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    Cp. ^5
    Education 486-4 Special Topic: Self-Education: Theory and Practice
    Summer Session, 1980 (Tuesday and Friday, 12:30 - 14:30)
    Instructor: Maurice Gibbons
    Office number: 291-3529
    During this course participants will follow two inter-related
    themes: studies in the theory of self-education, and the
    application of the theory to a program of personal-professional
    The studies will begin with an examination of the wide-ranging
    literature that deals with self-direction in learning and life
    management. This literature will be analyzed, and from it,
    guidelines for successful self-direction will be derived. At least
    one possible theory of self-education will be developed and critically
    Participants will also create, implement and manage a self-education
    program, not only to reach an important personal goal, but also
    to master a process for continuing self-direction. In the program,
    participants will attempt to expert in a field of their own choice.
    Personal learning styles will be assessed and applied to the task,
    along with learning networks, challenges, collegial teamwork
    and other self-directional strategies.
    Readings will be mimeographed. Class-size will be limited.
    Participants should consult with the professor.

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