    EDUCATION 486-4 Special Topic: "Integrating Educational and Traditional Gymnastics"
    Spring, 1980 Semester
    Tuesday Evenings 4:30 - 8:30 PM
    This course is designed to illustrate how the movement concepts, principles and
    teaching strategies of Educational Gymnastics can be integrated with a Traditional
    Gymnastic Program. The course is primarily designed for elementary school teachers
    who have had coursework or teaching experience in either Traditional and/or Educational
    Topic Outline:
    1. History of Traditional and Educational Gymnastics
    Contemporary gymnastic programs
    Rationale for integrating two approaches
    4. Stunts, tumbling and movement elements
    5. Equipment and movement elements
    6. Large apparatus and movement elements
    Required Texts:
    Kirchner, G. Physical Education For Elementary School Ghildren, 4th edition, Dubuque,
    W.M.C. Brown, 1978
    Szypula, G. Tumbling and Balancing For All, Dubuque, W.M.C. Brown Co., 1968

    SPRING 1980
    Integrating Formal and Educational Gymnastics
    Dr. Glenn Kirchner
    Tuesday Evenings 4:30 - 8:30 PM
    The primary focus of this course will be to show how the movement concepts,
    skills, and exploratory teaching strategies of the movement education
    approach can be effectively integrated with formal gymnastics. This will
    be accomplished through lectures, tutorials and practical laboratory
    sessions. Proficiency in formal or educational gymnastics is desirable but
    not mandatory. Student evaluation in this course will be based on acquired
    knowledge and teaching competence and not upon demonstrated physical

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