    Instructor: Gloria Shapiro-Latham.
    General Information:
    The Theatre-in-Education course is open to Education students who wish
    to explore a theatre process toward creative discovery. Subject matter drawn
    from the curriculum or from life experiences will be researches, developed,
    and performed with the total involvement of the participant. Students will
    gain skill in improvisation, character development, role positioning and
    gaming techniques in order to apply theatre-in-education to their individual
    classroom needs and respond to a new and joyous learning environment.
    Required Texts: None
    Suggested Reading List:
    Fines, John, Verrier, Raymond, The Drama of History.
    O'Toole, John, Theatre In Education.
    Kagan, Jerome, Creativity and Learning.
    Time: ?
    Wednesday: 4:30 - 8:30
    A Journal of Observation and Research
    The development of a simulation game for use in the classroom.
    The creation and presentation of a theatre-in-education prograrrnrte.
    GSL : ca

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