2. EDUC 477 -4

Summer Session 1998

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EDUC 477 -4
Designs for Learning: Art
Prof. S. Mattanó
Office: TBA
E01.00 ?
Tel: ?
Educ 401/402
This course introduces students to the main ideas, skills, materials, medias, resources, understandings, and organizational
concerns involved in teaching Art. It is based on the matter of Arts Education in schools; on the developing of
imaginative and educational programs in Art through integration of different subjects of B.C. curriculum, on the
exploration of the own creative potentialities through artistic activities, and on approaches to different art expressions.
• Understanding of real importance of Arts Education in the integral development of child.
• Development of creative sensitivity through the appreciation and exploration of artistic and aesthetic experiences.
• Organization of creative proposals to develop the art curriculum in school.
• The aims of Art Education. ?
• Characteristics of graphical representations in children.
• Approaches to Art history. ?
• Exploration/ experience with art media, materials and tools.
• Artistic activities at school.
• Approaches to teaching Art.
• Creativeness and aesthetic appreciation.
• Methodologies
• Art expressions and Visual Literacy.
• Integration of B.C. curriculum through artistic activities.
The above topics don't establish a strict order of development. As art contents they are flexible and they will be
developed according to the characteristics and interests of the group. Experience in Art is not necessary as part of the
goal of the program. Exploration and contacts with different art expressions, materials and medias will be experimented
to develop skills, perception and aesthetic appreciation, such as painting, drawing, clay, crafts, sculpture/ construction,
printmaking, mixed media, photography/ video, found and recycled materials, etc.
1. Artistic Activities and Projects - 40%
Students will be engaged in a series of artistic projects that include personal and group expressions selecting and
combining medias and materials according own interests and experience. Criteria: commitment, imaginativeness of
interpretation, aesthetic coherence.
Curriculum Project or Personal Study - 40%
Personal study related with teaching Art. Project of developing artistic activities at school following contents of B.C.
curriculum and integrating them through art education. Could be individual or group work. Criteria: relevance for
teaching Art, knowledge, imaginative solutions, own points of view.
3. Analysis-Critique
Gallery/Museum artwork/ Artist/ Movement/ Art objects - 20%
Focus on an artist, movement of particular interest of an art expression. Present in written and /or visual form describing
main ideas and aesthetic aspects, focusing on qualities of form and design and on the ways the art has importance for
curriculum and teaching in Art. Criteria: imaginative of interpretation, aesthetic and educational significance,
effectiveness of presentation.
Herberholz, D. & Herberholz, B., Artworks for Elementary Teachers: Developing Artistic and Perceptual Awareness.
WC Brown & Benchmark Inc., 1998. ISBN 0-697-34424-X.
London, P., No More Second Hand Art. Shambhala (Boston & London). ISBN 0-87773-482-8.

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