    Education 477-4: Designs for Learning: Art
    Intersession, 1985
    Instructor: Dr. Dan Nadaner
    Wednesday and Friday
    Location: MPX 7500
    1:00 - 4:50
    This course is designed to explore meaningful approaches to teaching art in the
    schools. To do this, the course looks at both practical activities and guiding
    ideas in art education. Special emphasis is placed on art criticism, drawing,
    and visual arts projects which reflect the spirit of the contemporary arts and
    are possible to accomplish in a school setting. The nature of these projects
    will be determined partly by the course outline and partly through discussion
    by the group.
    The course should be of interest to students and teachers who would like to explore
    the nature of the contemporary visual arts, and who would like to develop a habit
    of thinking carefully about how art activities can have maximum educational
    value. No prior experience with art is required for this course.
    Outline of ToDics
    Survey of history and philosophy of art education.
    Child development, the primary years, and art education.
    The visual elements.
    Drawing from nature.
    Developing ideas for art: the social context.
    Art criticism.
    The multi-cultural scope of art education.
    Paintings, sculptures, or installations: projects for the school.
    Course Requirements
    Completion of readings and class projects, and participation in discussions.
    2. Mid-term exam, based on readings and discussions (take-home).
    A packet of readings will be made available for s4ident purchase at minimal
    Readings on 3 day library reserve include:
    Chapman, Laura. Approaches To Art In Education
    Hurwitz, Al. The Joyous Vision
    Mendelowitz, Daniel. Drawing
    Nadaner, Dan. "Responding To The Image World", Art Education, January, 1985.
    Schuman, Jo Miles. Art From Many Hands.
    Curriculum guides: B.C. Secondary Art Guide
    Coquitlam School District Art Resource Guide
    ("Oh, For Art's Sake")

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