    Educ. 477-4 Designs for Learning: Art
    INSTRUCTOR: Hinda Avery
    Friday, 8:30 - 12:20
    LOCATION: on campus
    This course is an introduction to teaching art to grades K-12. The course
    will include lectures and workshop experiences. Students will have direct
    experience with a variety of materials and techniques which can be implemented
    to foster creativity aid growth in children. The importance of the creative
    process to the development of the whole person will be examined, as well as
    the place and purpose of art within the school curriculum.
    Purpose: This course is intended to familiarize the participant with the
    philosophy underlying inclusion of creative art experiences for children
    within the school curriculum. Through use of a variety of materials, partici-
    pants will develop their own skills so that they may aid children's total
    development through use of similar media.
    I. Objectives for the Student. Upon completion of the course the student
    Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose in providing for
    creative experiences for children.
    b) Demonstrate ability to plan for and provide appropriate .experiences
    for children which foster creativity through use of art media.
    II. Outline of Topics:
    The Creative Process: the relationship between creative activities
    and healthy development.
    2. Place and purpose of an art program.
    Roles and responsibilities of the Art teacher.
    4. Activities and their values:
    Visual expression in drawing and painting
    Visual expression in ceramics
    Visual expression in printmaking
    Visual expression in sculpture
    Visual expression in textiles
    (f) Visual expression in media
    Visual expression in design:
    - aesthetic
    - environmental
    - communication
    III. Requirements:
    A Collection of visual aids: charts, slides, photographs, illustrations.
    A Lab book containing recipes, methods, lesson plans, curriculum
    A paper (2 pages) on the relationship between creative experiences and
    child development, and/or the purpose of an art program within the school
    Completed projects from at least four of the Visual Expressions.
    S. A display of teaching aids.
    IV. Eligibility:
    Prior experience in art or art education is not necessary.

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