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Fall, 1982
Instructor: Dr. Dan Nadaner
Tuesday 4:30 - 8:30
Location: On campus
Education 477-4 is an introduction to concepts and practices
in art education. The course explores ways that children can use
art to see more fully, develop their imaginations, and understand the
culture in which they live. Class sessions will be devoted to three
separate kinds of activities:
1) Discussing major ideas in art education; deepening our
understanding of the purposes of art and how children
learn through art.
Exploring the possibilities of visual form in several
art media; experiencing for ourselves what art is about.
Reviewing, designing, and practicing art activities for
the classroom; finding our what's happening in the
schools, and how ideas can be turned into actions.
Prior experience in making art is not required for this course.
Outline Of Topics
A. Children's learning in art.
Developmental stages.
2. Creativity, expression, and aesthetic response.
3. The place of art in the total curriculum.
B. Purposes Of Art In Education.
1. Personal Imagery
(Drawing, painting, sculpture activities)
Art Criticism
(Gallery visits, film and television criticism)
3. Multi-Cultural Awareness
(Traditional crafts, contemporary culture study)
C. Teaching Art
New developments in the B.C. art curriculum.
Translating goals into practices.
3. Positive approaches to evaluation.
4. Supportive teaching.
Course Requirements
Participation in discussion and activities, and completion of assisned
readings, is the basic work of the course. Specific requirmeents include:
- A 3-4pp. "Visual Response" paper, describing and interpreting an art
work seen in class.
- A 6
"Practice With Purpose" paper, analyzing the educational reasons
for a particular art activity, and describing the activity. These
activities may be developed and presented to the class by groups of
students working together.

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Course readings will be selected from among the following works,
on two-hour reserve in the library.
Arnheim, Rudolf. Art And Visual Perception
Berger, John. Ways Of Seeing.
Chapman, Laura. Approaches To Art In Education.
Eisner, Elliot. Educating Artistic Vision.
Feldman, Edmund. Becoming Human Thrçh Art.
Gardner, Howard, Artful Scribbles.
Gordon, Rosemary. "A Very Private World", in P. Sheehan, Ed.,
The Function And Nature Of Mental Imagery.
Hurwitz, Al. The Joyous Vision.
Langer, Suzanne. Problems Of Art.
Lanier, Vincent. The Arts We See. (new from Teachers College Press).
MacGregor, Ron. Art Plus.
McKim, Robert. Experiences In Visual Thinking.
Mendelowitz, Daniel. A. Guide To Drawing; or, Drawing.
Schuman, Jo Miles. Art From many Hands.
also; Readings on early childhood eduction
Recent art curriculum
Multi-cultural approaches to the human image

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