Education 475-4
Designs for Learning: Mathematics (Elementary)
Summer Session, 1990
Instructor: Waldo Dahl
July 33—August 10
Phone: ?
Time: 8:30 - 12:20 Monday & Wednesday
Messages: 291-3395
Location: MPX 8651
Educ. 401/402 or equivalent.
Attitude: To help students gain a more positive attitude toward mathematics and build
their confidence in doing mathematics, especially at the concrete or manipulative level.
Method: To help students understand, appreciate, and apply specific methods for and
general approaches to teaching mathematics.
Learning Theor
: To help students gain perspective on teaching methods and approaches
by examining some ideas and principles of learning theory.
Planning: To help students plan mathematics lessons and units in terms of method,
learning theory, and curricular scope and sequence.
Evaluation: To help students use evaluation techniques in keeping with the behavioural
objectives of their lesson and unit planning in mathematics.
Outline of Topics:
Attribute materials and mathematical thinking
Number and its uses
Number patterns
Developing operations on counting numbers with Cuisenaire rods
Basic facts and their uses - operations on whole numbers
Place value
Whole number algorithms and their uses
Rational numbers
Informal geometry
Measurement and the metric system
Geometry on the geoboard
(The objectives listed above will be linked to each topic.)
Typ ical requirements:
Each of the topics above will be covered in a two hour lab session and a subsequent two hour
session of lecture, discussion, and student presentation. Assignment topics will include:
(a)a lab record of all math labs done in the course; (b) lesson and unit planning; (c) a
review of professional journals; (d)a classroom presentation; (e) a review of authorized
textbooks; (0 a resource file of math games and/or manipulatives.
Fuys, David J. Teaching mathematics in the elementary school Glenview, Illinois: Scott,
Foresman and Company.