    / ?
    E:ducati on 475-4
    Designs for Learning: Mathematics
    Spring, 198
    TLLeSdaYSq Q30
    9:20 p.m.
    Location: SFIJ DOWNTOWN
    549 Howe Street
    Vancouver, }3
    Qb.jecti yes
    Instructor: John in vett
    Home Phone 922-683
    VC 2C2
    The course is designed for prospective and practising
    teachers of elementary and secondary
    cs who wish to
    explore the fundamentals of learning/teaching processes as
    the y
    apply to math ?
    Students will be expected
    engage in
    c:ussi on and formulate their own rationale
    as to their own evolving, hows and whys of learning
    and teaching of math;
    explore the realities of children's and adults
    learning powers and patterns by examination of their
    own and others learning powers and patterns;
    become familiar with and confident in the use of a
    variety of aids such as fingers, colored rods logic
    blocks cico--boards etc.,and of recent literature on
    human learning;
    On completion of the course it is hoped that teachers
    will he more at case with the sub
    ect of mathematics be
    able to deal confidently with some of the essentials of the
    prescribed curriculum math guide, 1978 or 1985/86, and be
    able to plan math instruction within a consistent framework.
    The topics dealt with will be the usual contents of the
    S.C. curriculum. ?
    They will be dealt with from a method--
    ol oci:i ca:L viewpoint (how
    ou teach multiplication, fractions
    etc.); from the perspective of mathematics (What is
    multiplication, fractions etc.); and from the vantage point
    of the role of this in everyone's growth and education.
    Students of the course will be expected to
    -- participate full
    in cl asswork and discussions,
    complete homework work on a term project
    without necessarily finishing it;
    implement some of the ideas and activities with
    kids arid/or with adult friends;

    stud y
    W. L. Math guide and representative text-
    books used in schools.
    El I
    q ibi 1 ity
    Education 401/402 or equivalent.
    If you are in an
    doubt as to the suitability of this course
    please contact the Instructor beforehand
    Illtbooka (Required)
    Trivett John V.
    hnati.cs Detsel I ci Enter
    rises Limited, Calgary.
    Dawson, A. J. (Sand
    y ) ?
    Mathematics a collection of Readi nqs, SflJ ?
    [able in
    the course)

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