1. S Education 475-4
      2. Designs for Leaarnlng: Mathemamtics?

Designs for Leaarnlng: Mathemamtics?
Regular Semester, 1986
Instructor: Ken Harper
Wednesday, 5:30 - 9:30
Phone: 922-3637 (home)
Location: MPX 7600
Elementary mathematics can be a stimulating subject for both teacher
and student. The instructor has taught for fifteen years in Primaryq
Intermediate, and Secondary classrooms and attempts to foster
enjoyment of Mathematics through a variety of activities and games
selected to promote interest and growth in the subject and to reduce
anxiety about ability.. Throughout the course the student will be
exposed to many techniques that have been successful in the classroom..
The focus for Education 475-4 will be on mastering the topics in the
Elementary Curriculum for Mathematics.. A strong emphasis will be
placed upon the search for and study of patterns that are found in
Topics that will be addressed care
- naming and counting
- operations an whale numbers
- fractions
- decimals
- percent
- the metric system
- bases
problem solving
- geometry
* graphing
- historical topics
- developing a math program
Grades will be based upon:
- attendance and participation
- completion of one major term project
- one short (10 minute maximum) class presentation
- one review of a text or math related book
Due dates and general guidelines will be discussed during the first
Textbook: A collection of readings prepared by Sandy Dawson will be
available for $5.00 in the Learning Resources Lab, "Children
Teaching Themselves Mathematics"..
Students are encouraged to contact the instructor concerning problems
that may arise throughout the course.

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