    Designs for Learning: Mathematics
    SPRING, 1983
    INSTRUCTOR: Professor John Trivett
    Office hours: Wed.
    or 8:20 p.m.
    (or by arrangement)
    Wednesdays 4:30 - 8:20
    LOCATION: MPX 8620 (2nd & other mtgs.
    January 12th
    April 6th
    at a school below the snow-
    line - details at 1st mtg.
    TEXTS: ?
    (Required) Trivett, J.V.
    .. . And So On: New Designs for ?
    Teaching Math.
    (Recommended) Dawson, A.J. Children Teaching Themselves
    Mathematics. ?
    (available in the
    course, or from Dr. Dawson)
    The course is for elementary and secondary teachers of mathematics,
    part or full-time, interested in improving their skills and under-
    standings, with consequent student improved learning. The instructor
    and the instruction is biassed - against mechanical, narrowly
    conceived theories and practices of teaching, and against the frequent
    and traditional pressures of time, rote drill and the quest for
    right answers; and toward the realities that, for example, every
    learner learns thoroughly only when she/he accepts the responsibility
    for her/his own learning; that everyone can learn mathematics
    provided they learned their first language between the ages of
    6 months and 2 years. Actions, images, thought, process, imagination
    and patterning are known to be more important educational achievements
    than answers, set algorithms and formulas.
    Such bias of the instructor does not exclude those biassed differently.
    On the contrary they are welcomed. provided they agree to study and
    practice also what is proposed in this course. The aim is to arrive
    at correct conclusions of the nature of learning and of learning
    math, to experience that such is attainable by all who wish to do so,
    and that all teachers can get their students to know likewise.
    Reading? A wholesale reading of books outlining other approaches and
    traditional research will not be required. A list of
    recommended books wilt be available.
    Writing? Written accounts will be required from each student
    of his/her thought, study, teaching, both of some
    mathematics and its practice in the classroom.
    Requisites? Everyone will be expected to join in with the activities
    and discussions; to spend at least double the time
    we meet, on homework, thinking, discussing, doing some
    mathematics, teaching, reading, writing, arguing, etc.
    If in doubt as to the suitability of this course for you, please feel
    free to discuss the issues with the instructor prior to registration.
    A limitation is being placed on the enrollment number for the course
    and more strictly adhered to than in past semesters. Professor
    Trivett can be contacted at 922-6683 or through his office in
    Building 6.

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