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Education 475_4 Designs for Learning: Mathematics
Mondays & Wednesdays
8:30 - 12:20
INSTRUCTOR: Daphne Trivett
Office hours: Mon. & Wed.
12:30 - 1:30
(or by appointment)
LOCATION: on campus
There will be
in the class interested in elementary math teaching.
All will have an opporutnity to learn more mathematics and a
variety of ways of teaching major topics.
Each student is expected to take responsibility for his/her own
learning, as an instructor can never know each Individual's problems,
confusions, frustrations, mathematical abilities or
difficulties. ?
student is encouraged to speak, interrupt, write, take notes, listen,
phone, discuss, argue, get involved, and take risks to further his/her
own learning.
To learn thoroughly some of the major mathematical topics taught in
the B.C. schools using materials approved by the B.C. curriculum
To give students possible new ways of approaching future problems in
teaching and mathematics.
To help teachers overcome feelings of inadequacy, fear, and non-creativity
in mathematics.
To familiarize students with the use of flexible materials for use in
math teaching.
To attend class regularly, participate in class activities and discussions,
do assignments and reading, and keep a journal of reflections, personal
progress, ideas and difficulties throughout the course including:
1. -notes taken in class
-records of teaching done with children
-comments and critique of relevant readings
-questions not yet answered--things needing further
thought and exploration
-essays exploring the resolution of interesting questions
6. -records of mathematical work done on one's own,
including self-imposed problems and challenges
(required) Trivett, J.V.
.. . And So On: New Designs for
Teaching Math
This course will not attempt to give an overview of all important
math approaches, programs, methods and readings. Students will have to
be responsible for familiarizing themselves with the B.C. curriculum,
as its scope is too great to cover in class time.
Grades will be assigned by the instructor in cooperation with student
self-evaluation. A final interview reviewing student Journals will be
part of the evaluation.

I ?
Education 475-4 Designs for Learning: Mathematics
INSTRUCTOR: Professor John Trivett
Office hours: Monday noon - 1 p.m.
Mondays, 1:00 - +:50
or by arrangement
(May 9th - August 5th)
LOCATION: on campus
(required) Trivett, J.V. ?
.. . And So On: New Designs for ?
Teachinci Math.
The course is for those wishing to increase their insight and skill
into the learning and teaching of mathematics in secondary grades.
In the time available the complete range of topics in curriculum guides,
programs, and texts cannot all be dealt-With. Some.selection will
have to be made as basi-s for discussing and experiencing together how
people learn math, although each participant will be able to concentrate
on any particular aspect desired.
The instructor and the instruction are biassed - against mechanical,
narrowly conceived theories and practices of teaching, the frequent,
traditional pressures of time, rote memorization and the quest for
right answers; but toward the reality that every learner can learn
thoroughly only when she/he accepts certain responsibilities of his/her
own learning and the teacher knows how to involve everyone in doing so.
Actions, images, thoughts, processes, imagination and patterning are
more important paths than are answers, set algorithms and formulas.
Reading? A wholesale reading of books outlining other approaches
and traditional research will not be required. A list of
recommended books will be available.
Writing? Written accounts will be required from each student of
his/her thought, study, teaching, both of some mathematics
and its practice in the classroom.
Requisites? Everyone will be expected to join in with the activities
and discussions; to spend at least double the time we
meet, on homework, thinking, discussing, doing some
mathematics, teaching, reading, writing, arguing, etc.
For more details, please feel free to discuss the issues with the
instructor prior to registration. Professor Trivett can be contacted
at 922-6683 prior to the beginning of the course.

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