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    COURSE NAME: Designs For Learning: Mathematics
    Intersession 1978
    Planning for learning; creating learning environments; developing teaching
    strategies and materials.
    Instructor: Prof J. Trivett ?
    Time: Tuesday & Friday 12.30 - 16:20
    May 9th - June 22nd - AQ 5025
    This course is for Professional Development Program students who expect to
    teach mathematics from K through 9th grade.
    Main concerns will include a study of topics essential to any elementary
    and junior secondary mathematics programme and how to communicate these
    best to children with relevancy and joy.
    The 1977 Curriculum guide states:
    "Before any formal mathematics can be understood, there
    must be a wealth of manipulative experiences through
    which concepts and relations are understood at an intuitive
    level. Mathematics as a discipline, as a formal structure,
    must be built upon a sound foundation of concrete experience."
    We shall approach the task through the 'subordination of teaching to
    learning' using the powers and gifts which all participants bring to every
    lesson. That guarantees much growth and the acquisition of changed attitudes
    which many of us may not have previously experienced
    Students will be expected to be involved in the discussions and activities,
    working on an agreed project relevant to their own needs, strengths and
    weaknesses and what they intend to teach in school. Sessions will be held
    with elementary school children.
    For further details contact Prof. Trivett (291-3166 or 922-6683).
    JVT :ca

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