    EDUCATION 475_4
    Designs For Learning: Mathematics
    Intersession 1977
    Instructor: Prof. J. Trivett
    This course will be of interest to teachers and prospective
    teachers of elementary and junior secondary school arithmetic and
    mathematics. ?
    To quote Professor Trivett "We shall approach this
    task through 'the subordination of teaching to learning', using the
    powers and gifts which all participants bring to every lesson." The
    main concerns of the course will be how all the topics of the elementary
    mathematics curriculum can be learned and taught masterfully and with
    Texts recommended are What We Owe Children, by C. Gattegno and
    Games Children Play for Learning Mathematics, by J.V. Trivett.
    Requirements: ?
    Each participant will concentrate on a special
    study-project which provides opportunity for special interest and
    concentration within the spectrum of course content
    Evaluation of each student's and leader's worth; his/her
    accomplishments from the course;
    the expected value of this for a
    beginning teacher - this goes on all the time.
    For the more limited
    purposes of a university grade, extracts will be made from time to
    time from that continuum of reality, taking into consideration the
    leaders' views of student participation and their own viewsof'work
    and growth in learning mathematics and in learning how to teach
    mathematics in B.C. or elsewhere.
    J VT: ca

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